What exactly is going on here with the seam and the mesh

Trying to figure this out and keep all the sharp edges at the tip of a weapon, but when i go in to try to mess with edges/ vertices to fix what seems like a decent problem it ruins the edges that are needed. bare with me i’m still new to blender. Also have been adding loop cuts and stacking them to maintain a hard edge on some of the mesh and not sure how reliable this technique is. let me know?

Could be double vertexes. But first of all you have to get rid of that huge N-gon face, that will be probably the main problem.

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it looks like it cleaned it up a bit but i think the loop cut technique to maintain a sharp edge in the low poly form may have been what caused it to happen, when merging vertices it cleaned up but lost some of those sharp edges from the loop cuts. do you know if this is the only way to do this when shade smooth and subdivision is on but not applied? thanks by the way

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try to remove the N-gon by using a knife and connecting the vertices.

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try adding a loopcut to the corner by Ctrl + R and then slide it to the corner

seems to have worked haha thank you, is that somehow not the same as stacking vertices/double vertices as it was before the help? or the main problem was fixing the N-gon before stacking the vertices by loop cuts that way?

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The n-gon still needs to be removed, loopcut just to make the edges sharp

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