Right now I’m in the process of trying to find a good solid FTP client that isn’t nagware, and has no license limitations. I WAS using WS_FTP LE, but its not legal to use it commercially and I want a free lunch so I’m not paying for the pro version.
Yes I know the police aren’t coming to get me for using it commercially, but I want to see if every app I use can be free/oss aside from my operating system and office suite.
After WS_FTP I went to SmartFTP, but that was back when it was still free, and those buggers changed their license too so now I want to switch again.
So! If anyone has helpful suggestions of where to find the best freeware/open source FTP client, I’d give them a gold star for helping me out. Thanks!
The AceFTP one looks ok…not sure though. I would appreciate suggestions that are tried and tested if thats allright. The first suggested wasn’t a Win32 prog…thanks though! Keep em comin folks!
Hmm…I completely forgot to check the bug list. Damn, that’s a hefty list of issues! :o
However, I’ve only been using FileZilla for a week, and it’s been working perfectly fine so far. But I guess you never know…
Well I’ve just started using it and lemme tell you…its awesome. I know its got a long list of bugs but hey…it’ll only get smaller, unlike M$ software which has bug lists that grow. Even the bugs in windows have bugs. Anyhow…I’ve switched to that so he gets the good star!!
i know!!
it’s one of the most powerful ftp clients ever!!! …people just get atimidated of it because it’s non-gui frontend :]
when we’re at it …if you’re using KDE (e.g. in linux) you should try the (kio_)fish protocol …it’s a ftp via ssh protocol which you just run in konqueror… like this:
fish://[email protected]
then you enter the password and that’s it …you’re in …it’s really nice actually