What game engine to use with blender

You come from blender, UPBGE is blender with lots of added features so i recommend trying UPBGE.

Unreal engine is pretty nice and it is opensource, i’ve compiled it on my linux machine. I’ve also had the good fortune of attending an unreal tutorial hosted by one of the developers, very nice guy and he was doing some incredible stuff. What turned me off Unreal engine was that you cannot compile for windows from a linux machine, meaning 2 unreal installs and duel booting (argh, talk about workflow disruption) and the other thing is that unreal engine is just so bloated and slow.

What turned me off Godot is that GDScript is a python clone rather than actual python. Meaning while the syntax is almost the same, you lose the ability to import powerful modules that were developed to overcome pythons shortcomings such as crunching large sets of numbers (Numpy), running C code(cython), neural networks(NEAT) and countless other modules developed to overcome pythons weaknesses.

I’d say unless you’re a diehard fan of opensource or want to actively contribute to one of these engines, forget about opensource and go with unity. Its not a resource pig, there are TONNES of great online tutorials and templates. it has good cross platform support and uses C# which is a far faster language than GDScript. Blender compatibility if fairly good, you can import .blend files directly into your projects.

I still love making small projects in the blender game engine and it’s the one I just feel comfortable and happy using, which in my opinion is the greatest quality someone should seek in an engine. It comes with a real version of python, so fully extensible with whatever python modules you need, you can distribute the blend without having to pretest on every target OS. Its not bloated, the GLSL nodes can do almost everything that Unreals material nodes can ( even moreso in UPBGE ). The only trick I couldn’t replicate from the Unreal tutorial was vertex displacement, although, thinking back on it, I probably know enough to replicate that now too.

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You can remove what you don’t want to use from your Unreal game build.

I wouldn’t have the slightest clue where to start, can I get some better performance from unreal engine? I’d be super interested to learn more about that. If it wasn’t for the lack of cross platform support from the linux build then i’d have stuck with unreal engine despite the heavy resource usage. Although I mentioned unity has a lot of great community resources like tutorials and templates, actually Unreal engine has far superior tutorials available, i forget the name of them, something like “maths hall” where you walk through a long hall full of stations that explain and demonstrate in detail how to use every component of the engine.

It’s a difficult question, depends on the field. I personally use Unreal Engine 4 and i’m very happy with it, you can export assets directly via the GLTF format, the shading model is wonderful and very similar to EEVEE, non to mention the postproduction capabilities.

BTW, my field is VR.

Be careful: Unreal is NOT Open Source, you can use it for free and have access to the engine code, but everything is Epic’s!

I think that makes it open source, just not FREE and open source.

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What game engine to use. Many options to choose from. It’s a positive problem i say ;).
People try to sell you their choices and many have chosen more with emotion or by buying that amazing sales pitch. Best thing to do is to try yourself and weight the features, workflows, scripting languages, licenses, pricing etc.
There is a big difference if you are going to develop a game alone as a one man unit or with big group as a studio. Are you making game just for fun or doing a commercial game.
If you’re going to work alone go with the engine you feel the most comfortable with.

UE/Unity: All the features you can ask for. Good support and lots of users. Free to use, so it’s up to you to test them, if you like their workflow, pricing for commercial use etc.

Godot: Future of this engine looks promising as it’s actively developed and lots of great features coming in future releases. At the moment it has great tools for 2D games, but lacking heavily in 3D features. You have to write some very basic features yourself like LOD, occlusion culling and path following for navmesh, just for example. But hey, Godot has PBR shader :smiley:

Armory 3D: Promising engine with full integration with Blender and interesting node based logic system. I haven’t used it much, because i don’t see it really a production ready yet.

BGE/UPBGE: Integration with Blender and simple coding system with logic Bricks/Python is BGE’s strength and that makes BGE actually very fun and fast to use. For alone dev this is a ok choice for small 3D games. You can make 2D games with it too, but for that i would go with Godot/Unity instead of BGE. One thing to be aware of when using BGE for commercially is it’s license.

UPBGE have some nice new features compared to vanilla BGE, but i’m not sure how stable it is at the moment. Is 0.2.4 stable enough for finishing a game with it. I think someone here can answer that better than me.

These are the engines i have worked/experienced with, so i can’t say anything about the other engines like Panda3D or Cryengine for example.

Great dev can make great game whatever engine he/she uses. You don’t want be one of those who brags with engine features they don’t even need, or games they can’t make. Don’t make the engine part of your identity. Game engine is just a tool. Commercial game developing is business. It’s not even that hard to jump between engines and choose the engine for your specific game project.

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Best game engines to go with Blender are the ones integrated into Blender homies. If you don’t like the blender game engines go to Unreal, Godot, Unity etc. forums and praise them out there! This is a BLENDER DEDICATED community, and the TOPIC around here is ‘What game engine to use with Blender ?’ - ARMORY 3D, UPBGE, BGE. There are only 3 of them !!! I use Upbge 3.0 witch i recommend for blender enthusiastic, i also recommend to sustain it for future development.

Since he explicitly asked for engines other than the three you mentioned it appears that you misunderstood the question.


So i stay with my recommendation of using UPBGE, you can just start with the BGE basics because UPBGE has the exact same interface as BGE, nothing changed just added lots of features, and made changes to some python libraries for input and camera.

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That’s not correct, Open Source has a very specific meaning and refers to software that is distributed under an Open Source licence, UE4 AFAIK is proprietary code whose source can be downloaded, it’s a different beast…

Blender is Open Source 'cause it’s distributed under the GNU GPL licence



How come you make a topic about what game engine to use on Blender that suffers from a game engine loss , when unreal and unity are all over the internet and you can find tons on upstarts out there? As a matter of fact i was so happy that finally i get a place where something else other that, unreal,unity, maya 3dmax are so grate, can be discussed. It seems … why don’t you call this page, ‘Blender wanna be autodesk and epic artists’ , .com ?

U can pick Godot engine, as for assets exporter u can export using *.gtlf from blender to Godot. You can also find TONS of godot engine tuts on youtube which make it less clueless :sweat_smile: .Godot engine also can run natively on Linux ^^

emissive material


as for Proprietary Engine the best choice is of course Unreal Engine 4

I don’t know how either. I read about people wanting to make their game file smaller being able to get Unreal down below 90MB.

because UE is made for big games with big textures, lightmaps, sounds, that take big space.

Those who wanna do small install files, should make a winmine or a 2D game like hedgewars :wink:

IMHO the best answer to this questions, as noone knows the thread cretor requirements is:
Try as many as you can and mazke your own choice ^^

For my own part i did it.
UE, BGE, U3D, OGRE and another one i forgot the name ( and wich is dead ).

A place with lots of Blender experts seems like a good place to ask this question, though.

Not to poop the party but dudes, OP wants a recommendation for an engine that has a stable release and can handle a large open world. Maybe tone down the arguing a little eh?


You can always give the upcoming Godot 3.2 a shot, the amount of data you need to download is fairly small for a modern game engine and there’s no installation you need to do, just make a folder for your Godot stuff and go.

The fact that it is also free, open, and lightweight (with commercial-friendly licensing and no splash/royalty requirements) means there is no harm in at least giving it a try.

Unity and Unreal are the obvious kings of 3D, but I hear a lot of people see Unreal as the engine where everything is more likely to just work as advertised.

Godot is a nice choice. I had fun playing around with that for a while. The main reason I jumped ship to Unreal was because of the blueprints. From what I’ve heard, Godot now has a node system but I’m pretty invested now to switch back.

You’re right, seems blender game engine forums have turned into an Unreal, Unity, Godot, info desk on how ’ not to sustain our interest ’ . Can someone make a topic about how ‘Upbge can be improved’, or ’ Looking for dedicated developers to help us release a stable version of Upbge faster ?( cause i can’t open topics yet ). I’m tired of topics about things that have nothing in common with Blender game engine, on Blender ‘game engine SUPPORT and Discussion’ rubric, especially ones with subliminal messages on how not to use this program! Text’s like this are all over the internet already, i’m tired of searching a tutorial or some info about blender or Bge, Upbge and a Unity pop-up comes up, or Maya courses, or worst bad propaganda about how ‘not to use this program’. I registered to this community to read about Blender, still every day i read about Maya and Unreal, Unity and Godot. I started getting worried about hearing nothing about 3dMax on these forums ( can someone explain me again and again and again and again :scream: :face_vomiting: :tired_face: about how this program is the best compared to Blender ) . All i want to know is about what Blender can have, when, and how. I mean Unreal, Unity and all the other program’s have they’r own pages to discuss about they’r features, and everybody says they have tons of tutorials and resources, so why not go there and ask questions about how they work and what they do! So to get this straight, whatever i’m using Blender for, hobby or pro, my interest on ‘Blender game engine and discussion’ is about what goes down with Blender game engines ! I usually don’t interact so much with the communities, but searching on ‘how to Blender’ and always finding ‘why Maya and Unreal are better’ all over the internet made me come get info and directions about Blender directly on the source ! And when i signal this
inconsistent i get offended by some … guess who ? : some Blender users. Looks like brainwashing objective and results are 100% achieved ! So this forum turned in an ‘Unreal game engine Support and Discussion’ anyways right ?