What genre of games can Blender create?

After reading The Screenshot thread, I was wondering, what kind of games can Blender make(internal GE)?

FPS(I know it can do that)




Is Blender GE limited at all in the genre of game types it can make, or only by your imagination(and the power of the GE)?

the BGE is only limited to your imagination, if you can think it, you can script it!

yep thats right (it just starts to slow down if your game gets to complex;))

when you start i’d recomend starting with a classic side scroller or a pong clone. When you start FPS it get’s somewhat harder to script. And RPG’s a little harder to script items and stuff. But MMORPG’s are really hard, bge scripting is alot harder. I’d use something like bZoo or something. But yea that’s basically it.

You are limited by your skill level.

Imagination and tools (blender, GIMP, etc), are secondary.


Please note that I am NOT planning on starting ANYTHING soon.

This is just a recon thread to explore EXTREMELY future possibilities… :stuck_out_tongue:

Social is (of course) 100% correct.