what happen to pi?

i tried torun and old script and now i get an error on PI in 31236

does not recognise it ?

so was there any change to PI

and are there any other little changes like that ?


use e.g.
>>> from math import pi
>>> pi

ok i change 2 properties which cannot accept anymore setting!

now only thing left is one of class name is not accepted cause it already registered as sub class

no idea what this one is ?


hum the script works in 175 but not in 236!

and i already imported all math module

so weird why it gaves and error on pi but now it’s gone!

and i got other mistake on properties and class name!

any ideas what API changes List werer form 175 version?

i got theses errors

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\Users\RJ\0blend25\0alpha31236\roundedthing1.blend/Text”, line 1353,
n <module>
File “C:\Users\RJ\0blend25\0alpha31236\roundedthing1.blend/Text”, line 1306,
n register
AttributeError: bpy.types.register(…): already registered as a subclass.
location:<unknown location>:-1
location:<unknown location>:-1

hope it can be corrceted
it’s probably something simple but what ?

May be in register section

it bugs on first line

def register():



Then defined the Menu add function



any changes to this register secftion ?


can someone help to solve this last problem


just type this…

myPI = 3.14159

and get on with the coding.

for get the Pi value this wzas cause by another indirect error in debug of sript
it’s been corrected by changing some error on properties it’s now ok

the problem is like shown in post above

in the registerring of class there seems to be some changes now in latest built
but which one ?
