What happened to bone heat? None of the options in Blender do half as good a job of skinning that bone heat did. I have a model (obj) from makehuman and a rig that simply refuses to bind to a leg without skewing the other along for the ride.
What happened to bone heat? None of the options in Blender do half as good a job of skinning that bone heat did. I have a model (obj) from makehuman and a rig that simply refuses to bind to a leg without skewing the other along for the ride.
Bone heat is called “automatic” in 2.5.
Okay, but it does not seem to work as well as the old bone heat. is it the same code? If it is, there is something wrong with my model then.
It is the same feature. If it works differently in 2.5 it might be a bug.
The best way to find out is to compare the results of both versions (on an identical setup of course).
As far as I can tell it works exactly the same though.
I had the same problem yesterday. Seems pretty buggy to me.
I also was disgruntled by the ‘automatic’ weighting. I experienced some strange deformations. Bone heat was much better IMO.
Same for me here. I have the feeling it was working better on older versions.
same here. i now use 2.49 for rigging
it shows in last video how to rig and skin it fast and very well
and i think it works even better then in 2.49
but this is using a speicil way to do it in 2.5 for doing the auto skinning i guess
but it’s not perfect you still ahve to manually adjust the last details
the only problem i had was with the weight paint which is very difficult to select the right vertices but may be with pratice it becomes easier!
have a look and try it
Thanks Rickyblender . . . on my way to check it out!
hehe bone heat hehe is that the sequel to broke back mountain]
anyways I love the old one, I pretty much use blender 2.49 for everything except for the solidify modifier. But then I export that from 2.5 so I can use it 2.49 atm - I will fall in love with 2.5… at some point perhaps
This is correct, nothing in the actual heat-weight code has changed, it’s just a new name. The only thing that has changed related to this that may affect it is Blender’s ray intersection system, which the heat weighting uses, though I’d be surprised if this causes problems with it, i would have thought we’d notice any incompatibilities in rendering.
Anyway, speculation about liking the ‘old one’ better is a bit funny. If you can find a situation where the same model/skeleton gives different results between 2.49 and 2.5, then submit it as a bug to the tracker.
I suspect the issue is with the makehuman model I have imported. I have found imported obj’s often don’t take to bone heat the same way that models native to Blender work and the reason is simply… holes. Any hole in the mesh makes boneheat fail. I welded up all the holes in the mouth and ears and nostrils and eyes and BAM, the old bonehat is back.
Sorry, I don’t browse often here, but was just passing by, and thought of other possibility… Could be vertex order when importing the obj ? Surely is holes as you say. But to mention more options. (I haven’t had a problem, just trying to help)
Yes, that, and inverted normals can cause it to not work, and i have heard that coplanar faces can cause trouble too but haven’t seen that myself.