What happened to this mask?

I’m trying to sculpt a mask and have been having trouble with over lapping layers. Any thoughts on how to clean up the back?

Welcome to BA :slight_smile: at a glance, you have overlapping geometry (as you said.) you can fix this with a Remesh Modifier. You can also try a different remesher, let me know if that doesn’t work for you and I can suggest more options

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I was able to add the modifier, however when I apply it the mask almost disappears. the sculpt is now black and it seems to be sluggish now, any thoughts?

I think you may have accidentally duplicated your mesh in edit mode. You can find out by selecting a vertex, and pressing CTRL L to select connected. If you have two pieces, just delete the vertexes you just selected.
(edit) Also, the remeshed one is black because it’s so dense, and you’re in wireframe mode I think.
(edit) The remesh modifier can be counterintuitive, because you slide the slider to the right if you want the polycount to go down and to the left to go up, which is kind of backwards.


@Modron thank you cntrl L worked a treat, however no duplicate mesh. you are right about the wireframe! I’ll play with the sliders and see if I can’t get it down.