years ago a clever person sent me a file that contained something called a turner - maybe his name for it.
doesn’t seem to be an empty.
what is it!!!
i need more of them
see attached file
thanks all
TURNER.blend (130 KB)
years ago a clever person sent me a file that contained something called a turner - maybe his name for it.
doesn’t seem to be an empty.
what is it!!!
i need more of them
see attached file
thanks all
TURNER.blend (130 KB)
It looks to me like the turner is an object with all vertices deleted – an object without a mesh. Then the cube is parented to the turner, and the turner is rotating around the Y axis. The Turner behaves just like an empty as far as I can tell. Though an empty is better since you have more controls over its appearance.
Yeah, benu is right, it is an object which has no elements at all. To add new elements to it, select it, jump into Edit Mode, press Space and add a mesh.