What is Siggraph? Where do the innovations go?

Every now and a again I will get on a kick about watching videos from Siggraph. Looking at the different algorithms available, different rendering or procedural modelling techniques like this one:

I watched this one in particular and thought it would be cool if Blender could have a tool to mix meshes like this. Then I thought, how could that happen? these aren’t blender developers, they probably have a patent on the idea, but I really have no idea who they are or where these innovations have gone since 2014 when the video was made/released.

What is Siggraph?

but I really have no idea who they are or where these innovations have gone since 2014 when the video was made/released

We are an inter-disciplinary team of researchers exploring and developing novel methods in computer graphics, computer vision, and interactive techniques. Current areas of focus include geometric modelling and processing, image-based modelling, 3D reconstruction, 3D content creation, shape analysis, lighting and reflectance models, and 3D vision for robotics.
