What is the best 3D printing service can you recommend? (optimal price/quality ratio)

I know about Shapeways, but I wonder if there is anything else out there. Any suggestions? Thanks.

Interested in full color 3D prints (action figure size) and some kind of durable material (aluminum derivative perhaps).

The other biggy I know about is Sculpteo. Based in France I think.




Thanks! Will look into it (although shipping from France most likely will be expensive).

I just looked into that. Can’t get a quote really unless I check out but I did see a popup saying UPS Express $20 for orders up to $50 and $6 for orders above $50. Doesn’t sound too awful bad.

I would like to see some other links too if there’s any out there. Shapeways and Sculpteo are the only ones I know that I could recommend to anyone based on their reputation on the net. Surely others are getting into the game by now.