What is the best way to get Blender made objects with marerials to max?

What is the best way to get Blender made objects with marerials to max?

first, select the meshes that you want to export. then go to File>Export>3D Studio (.3ds), an alternative would be Wavefront (.obj). once your finished exporting, use the same file format you used to export to import into max. hope this works for you…:slight_smile:

ps, if you choose to use Wavefront (.obj), then whatever you do, DON’T move the .mtl file (which comes with the .obj) to a different directory than the .obj file, because if you do, the matierials for that specific .obj file will NOT show up on import to max (or any 3D animation software at that…). unfortunately i learned that the hard way…:frowning:

Materials do not export from one application to another. Color settings do sometimes with the mtl file that is generated with .obj files but you can’t export your materials because each application handles them differently. You have to bake the materials as textures which I’m not familiar enough with blender to do but even then you don’t get the same result. It’s best to just do your material work in what ever program you are going to end up rendering with.

well, hate to state the obvious here, but that model was probably modeled and textured in max, so of course it has materials. I think you should read what pnoland wrote again.

If you uvmap the object, then export it as an .obj file, then you can get the texture from one app to another. Materials are something else entirely, you’ll have to do that in max.

If it had materials, why are you asking the question?

“Bake” the materials into image files for the objects you want to export, then export the objects in .obj format with the .mat file option turned on. It works the same way when trying to get objects from max to blender. (Just make sure you bake to a high enough resolution, and don’t plan on modifying the materials or uv mapping in the other program)

I’m fairly sure the simple answer here is you can’t.

Ok, thanks