What Is The Best Way To Model Clothing On To Your Character?

I made so many character, and normally I Select the area I want to form the shirt, duplicate it, Separate it from the original mesh, scale it up a bit to sit over the original mesh, then it looks good. But hear is when the problem comes in, I rig my character (Bare in Mind, I no longer am quite interested in making the shirt a cloth, I’m fine with it sticking to the body)

After I rig her/him, sometimes, the bottom mesh will go through the top mesh (The bare skin moves through the shirt)

I mainly have this problem with shoes.

Both meshes are effected by the bone, but the under layer is more effected and comes to the foreground, give for a horrible appearance!

Which way is best to model clothing, so that this problem will not occur again, also if you have proof of how it will turn out, can I see?

Hopefully I explained well, If I explained anything vaguely, ask me to clarify before answering please, would be highly respected and appreciated! :slight_smile:

Usually the easiest way is to have the clothing replacing the part of the body under it, this way you will never have the body going over the cloth during an animation and will not get some headache from trying to get the weight matching completely to avoid that.
It was by example used for the Blender Foundation movie “Sintel” in which you can download the character at Blendswap and see that there is no body under the clothing.

Thanks Sanctuary! I tried that and it works A WHOLE LOT BETTER!
Funny thing about the example you gave me, is Sintel was exactly what I watch to see how the clothing was moving, not to long before you commented! And now I can move to the next part LOL XD
Thanks Again!!