What is the maximum render resolution for 2.49b?

I need a big, high detail/resolution image for a project at work. I’ve been able to render it at 4800x3600…but I’d like bigger if possible.

What is the max resolution without the finished render turning grey and Blender “losing” the render(Blender says there is no render when I try to save one that is too big)?

I think max res for a single render is 10000

The error you get is most likely a lack of RAM

Yikes, how much would I need?..I’m running 4gigs, does Blender want a hardline plugged into my brain stem? :wink:
Oddly, it completes the render…it just drops it after completion.

I’ll check it out…thx

@ Cocoa-Jin: What’s your use of the render that needs such resolution? 4800 x 3600 is 16" x 12" @ 300 dpi, a standard (and often too high) print resolution spec. Good printers can use a 200 dpi rez, which makes your image 24" x 18", that’s a pretty big poster. Banners use larger images but can often use as low as 100 dpi very successfully for 48" x 36" – a very decent-sized banner!.

It is a mock up of our cockpit for flight training. it really should be life sized.

So how will it be reproduced? If on some sort of monitor, assuming a nominal 90dpi native rez for a flat screen then your cockpit layout would be more than 4’ x 3’? Resolution – effective dpi at the size of the mock-up – shouldn’t need to be as high as is needed for print purposes, I’d think 90 to 100 dpi should work just fine.