What is the most bat-guano-insane thing in Blender that you can't believe they haven't fixed yet?

@Ace_Dragon Have you seen the state of the Maya Smart Extude? It is just there to check a tickbox.

Here is a compersion between Maya 2025 Smart Extrude VS Blender Smart Extrude, note that the Maya Cube has 4x less tris than the Blender one! And still in Maya I get literally 1fps!

(Smart Extrude operation for Blender will be added to my add-on once finished)

Smart extrude Maya

Smart extrude Blender Lets goooo! (1)

The Maya Smart Extrude can not even handle the Blender monkey!
smartt fail maya
smart win blender (1)

(Note that I will add an option later so that the extrude effect all mesh parts and not just the extrude island)