What is the most bat-guano-insane thing in Blender that you can't believe they haven't fixed yet?

At Adobe they had a class of tasks called “JDI” Just Do It - tasks. These were “no-brainer” and “30 minutes or less” changes that their customers had been requesting for literally decades. In my opinion that made a gigantic improvement in their reputation among their customers and they would not have had the social capital to successfully transition to the overpriced monthly rental model without going through that phase first.


It seems the goal Blender of dev is churning out as many as new features possible instead of finishing or polishing them to be usable. It make sense for getting more donations. All the bugs fix or improvement should just happen magically somehow.


Much of FOSS in general has always been like that, the users of FOSS may whine about how greedy the big commercial vendors are, but until the last ten years the world of software was really a world where you got what you pay for. In other words, the most expensive software was almost always the most powerful.

Though now, some of the problems that have plagued FOSS has shown up in some of the commercial apps. as well, a lot of feature creep with little polish afterward. At least the BF isn’t planning to be so gung-ho about big new things in 2021 (as a lot of stuff is polishing existing areas, finishing up the overrides and asset system, and production features for Cycles and Eevee).


Fair enough, fixed it ( D11094 )

  1. Undo performance
    I guess it’s most annoying thing that could drive away people who begin to work with Blender from another DCC. Undo is still slow and Blender could be percived as very unresponsive software.

  2. Deselecting object/mesh and multiple objects operation
    Deselecting between those two modes is quite different, it should be more consistent. In edit mode we can use shortcuts (adding 4th selection - by loose part/element could be helpful), but in object there’s problems when we have object on another objects - it’s constantly selecting between active and not active object.
    Multiple objects operation can be performed by pressing Alt key but it’s not so obvious and a best workflow.
    I was talking about it in this thread. Everything was explained by @Stan_Pancakes thanks!

  3. Multiple edit mode operation
    It’s linked to previously mentioned concept of active. It’s not possible to select multiple All Boundaries (double Alt). It’s not possible to do checker deselect on multiple meshes - the only way is to select active vertex on another mesh (loose part/element).

Hopefully all these things are going to be changed in 3.0 :slight_smile:


As far as a ‘paper-cut’ that drives me nuts: The transform of an object that is the child of another object always shows the world space transform at the time of parenting, instead of the transform relative to the parent object.

I.E. I have an object at 0,0,0 and an object at 1,1,1, and I attach the first object to the second object, the transform will still say 0,0,0. If I then rotate or move the second object, the transform will still say 0,0,0.


Ok alright this one had me nuts as well, when I started out. It’s a weird decision not to apply parent inverse matrix and Ton justified it by flexibility, which makes some sense but… it’s so counter-intuitive when you come from Maya. At least a choice could be given. Hopefully parenting is overhauled with collection/scene nodes.


Just having a button in Object mode like there is in Edit mode to switch between World and Relative in the UI would be enough (and updating the world transform to show the current world transform).

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Yes maybe that would do it. It’s not just UI related however since transforms need to be reliable for all things rigging and general scene setup.

What prevents just showing both values in the properties panel? I’d imagine it would be great to be able to edit either and have the other update reliably.

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What happens when you animate or drive the values ?

The displayed values would just be the values with the inverse matrix applied or after getting the current world transform. Behind the scenes the transform doesn’t need to be handled differently than it already is. Animating or driving the values would just do the math from the UI input in reverse to get the “correct” transform, that would remain hidden because frankly it’s just confusing.

The thing is, all of this math is apparently already being done, since the transform widgets are rendering in the correct location and orientation for child objects when they’re selected. It’s just the numbers that are being displayed that are wrong.

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The lack of trackpad gesture support on Windows and Linux, while it has been around on Mac for many many years (night and day difference if you use a laptop).

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Almost happened…

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When you have affect origin only, changing the N panel’s value does not move only the origin ?
How do you enter precise information for the pivot to go to then ?

Create a separate object and do the whole cursor to active object and then select the main object and then pivot to 3D cursor ? That’s like 10 thousand clicks right there.

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Yes that works on paper ! Honestly I think I’d rather have a single behaviour rather than two sets of values than can be both driven but only one is actually being used (there has to be a selector, otherwise both sets of values conflict with each other). I’m not sure the impact it would have on general rigging but I imagine as long as the property doesn’t change over time nothing should be bothered. It just doesn’t seem very safe to offer that choice ? what are your thoughts ?

I don’t think it’s possible, “only origin” is a flag that exists on the transform operator, when you change transform values you’re not using the transform operator. If I remember correctly it’s on Campbell’s todo list.

The thing that makes me crazy about blender that hasnt been fixed yet is the lack of an asset manager – its been promised over and over and over and still isnt here

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Accidentally hitting a number key such as 1 whilst not in edit mode (which would enable vertex selection) resulting in half your scene collections and view layers disappearing and then not being able to get them back by pressing the same key. its maddening.


Yeah, that is the first thing you need to turn off.