What is your favourite Orbit Style?

I strongly believe the Turntable mode is better than the Trackball mode. In Turntable, up remains up and you can easily orient yourself. I think Turntable should be default, so I am posting a poll that will, hopefully, attract the devs’ attention.

Everyone can use it as they want. Just change your preferences. One way simply has to be chosen. For me trackball is best because you can easily rotate in every angle around your mesh. And btw with some practise it is easy to rotate around a mesh without or almost no distortion.

Trackball. Is precise and will visualize exactly what you need.

And i second that this is pointless, but i vote anyway:jjust change the preferences, save and forget.


I think the vote is useless, because to many other people from other software packages turntable may be better. Before working with Blender I always used turntable and I was irritated by trackball. But I got used to it and now I love trackball and find it more efficient.

On the other side I could imagine a lot of Blender users love trackball. Why change to turntable? Is that how Max does it ;)?

Hasn’t this subject been covered ad nauseum. http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?t=177509&highlight=trackball
Some people like turntable, some people like trackball, it can be changed to whatever you prefer, what is there else to say.

I’d say, Turntable should be the default, because almost every other 3D software uses it as default.
And I’m also using it, because when i look at the object on the grid, because it makes clear where the ground is, and how the model is standing on that ground. It feels more like a computer game ground then a “vectorless” world.

When a new user comes to blender, he gets scared of the UI, because it’s irritatingly different then anything else (trackball, right click select (Which is the dumbest design idea blender has), and various other stuff). Then the user leaves blender for another month after playing with it for five minutes. He doesn’t really get the chance to see much within those five minutes, and he doesn’t know about turntable, or that he can switch the mouse buttons. Neither does he know what “Turntable” or “Trackball” mean at all. That’s why Blender should aim for the most appealing defaults as possible, so every new user would feel like at home. As i said before - Blender shouldn’t concentrate on old users, which are comfortable with the weird defaults blender has. New users are as or even more important then old users. The old users are the ones that can change the settings to their liking if they don’t like the new better ones.

However, I do understand that trackball is also usefull, like when rigging or sculpting. Some parts are hard to navigate to with turntable.

I imagine that the best way would be like this:
Having turntable on by default, and having a toogle on the 3D view header (Instead of preferences) for quick changing.

I use both, thank you very much… so no vote. :slight_smile:

That’s why the switch should be on the header!

When? Why?..Seriously. If you have the time.

P. Monk

My favorite orbiting style is around the sun.
But… there’s no sun in Blender, so I’d go for turntable.

Also, did you know this topic has been discussed till death already?

The result back then was about 50/50: there are those who like trackball, and there are those who like turntable.

Trackball is the work of the devil, fact.

You can close this thread now, I have spoken.

trackball of course
I real world I can turn an object in all axis

I like trackball alot, because im used to it and it gives me alot of control on an object.

I agree, Turntable should be default option.

turnable cuz i dont like to get seasick

Trackball of course , cause it’s the best (i say), and turntable has been created by the devil himself , with the help of palpatine , agent smith and sauron to rule us all.

Peace :).

21 to 12… is this enough trackball fans? the default setting should be the majority’s choice as it is the turntable hehehe.

When i was making polls to find out what the majority prefers, many were attacking me, so i stopped.
Anyway 21 to 12 is not enough to decide anything.
I have a feeling this will end up 50-50

shouldn’t the default be set to whatever is considered the most intuitive to newbies?
anyone who has played with blender a few days will figure out how to set it to whatever they want

I like the idea of having a button in the header to change it :stuck_out_tongue: its not nearly as cramped as it should be XD

EDIT: ask and you shall receive: http://www. p@steall .org/15279/python A BILLION ZILLION KAJILLION thanks to dfelinto from #blendercoders :slight_smile: