what Kind of graphics i can get whith BGE?

Hi there… i was asking how good i can take the graphics in a blender game?.. i aint looking a photorealistic over but i want to know if i woiuld get really “decent” graphics using bge

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You can take the graphics in a blender game as far as your artists can draw and model things and your scene lighting specialists can set up things. :slight_smile:

Unfortunately game engines do not solve (yet, I hope) the good old problem “I suck at drawing”. I can tell it because I suck at drawing and no engine of this world has proven capable of overcoming that tiny nuisance.

thanks alot for the information cause i was start thinkin to change unity if i aint found a demostration whith good graphics
and btw my artists skills are pretty good not perfects but are good

This. As long as you optimize it and spend processing power efficiently, you can pull off just about anything. Obviously, it’s not as optimized as a dedicated engine like Unreal or Unity, but in most cases, you won’t be able to see the difference.

All of them. All of the graphics.

Look at the jet combat demo in the WIP section of the forum. That’s a good example of using a few good filters and some creative scripting to get an excellent end result.

You cannot create the particle systems of AAA engines, nor can you implement certain shader types / rendering modes, though, those are currently hard ceilings unless you implement them in C++

I’d say that you can get pretty good particle systems if you’re being creative, at least as good as unity.

each dot, is one polygon.

You can, indeed. You can’t run the large scale lighting based particles offered by Unreal, though.

yeah, forward rendering is the problem there right?