What motivates you?

Arguably, we will all eventually be gone, and perhaps so will the earth (if we’re talking distant future). So, what keeps you motivated? Something simple, like money? Or do you think it can be traced to the instinct of survival?

In my case, what keeps me motivated is a really good homemade pizza.
And art. And life in general.

The slim but tangible chance that I will become Lord of the Universe. And dark chocolate!

The only “motivation” I have is if I don’t get grades above a “B” then my dad will take away my computer. That is more of a threat, really. It’s true though. My dad thinks a “B” is a bad grade.

If it would not be for the people I know and the people I knew I would not be able to live…or maybe. What a hard question…

Curiosity. A strange and sometimes morbid desire to find out what happens next.

Unfortunately, absolutely nothing motivates me right now.

Suicide??:eek: Don’t do it man…

Interesting thread so far!

lordcooper: I really agree with you on that one.

Zarnik: It gets philosophical, doesn’t it. In my opinion I don’t think you can say that without the people you know now you would not be able to live. Because (theoretically) if you had taken an alternate route in life and met different people, you would have no knowledge of the people you know now.

That explains a lot.

I think this question is not really very philosophical. The answer is simple: good food, movies, walks in the park, and all those other activities dead people are exempt from. You’re all just trying to think of a catchier way to phrase it.

Haha, made me laugh, but I disagree about it not being philosophical. Because you could argue that no matter what you do, you will eventually die, and so will everyone else, and all experiences you have ever had and ever will have will end up forgotten in the past. But somehow, most people want to live, and I think the reasons behind that go deeper than simply having a good time.

Alright, my second slightly-more-philosophical answer is: religion, the brain’s most abstract moral mechanism. Most religions say it is your duty to live.

money motivates me to blend, thats simple. occasional sports keep me going and enable me to do that without burnout. Creating also works of art that i am am innerly inspired to make, that inner motivation keeps me making some of the works that are not for the goal of paying bills. :slight_smile: so what keeps me extruding and uvmapping is really the fact that i can put a bill every once in a while to a folder where the paid bills are, ultimately i could say i keep blending for stability of life :).

For blender… I want to explore and be creative. So I want to take the ideas that are in my head, and make them into (virtual) “reality” so that I can explore them, develop them beyond what I can conceptualize, and share them with others.

For music… Its a way to share my emotions.

Motivation? A simple need to feel accomplishment before I go out of the world.

some like to demolish and feel satisfied…
I like to have fun with people called friends.

(finally a thread worthy to reply)

I enjoy pizza, but this question is not philosophical, its scientific and psychological …in reverse .
even thew I’m saying it…it has effected me and you so there is a past a present and a future
I am motivated I have a remote.

If you realize you will die and accepts it, and lives now not tomorrow or yesterday…and loves to have fun…you will not kill yourself.

Control, control control…

pretty much just still here because i dont want to hurt other people X]

If you want an in depth analysis, you could try reading the book of Ecclesiastes. It’s a careful and systematic break-down of how every single activity anyone could possibly ever try is absolutely futile. At the end it says that since everything is futile, the best thing anyone could ever do is live life the best you can and enjoy yourself as much as possible, with a end note saying only to remember that at the end everyone will be accountable to God for what they’ve done. Even if you don’t believe in God, it’s still an interesting read.

its my passion that motivates me!!!