What MP3 format does 2.25 recognise?

well, ? It seems not to recognise any i make from wav files my self. is it a certain type of MP3 I presume???


Well i can use mp3’s in the game engine and it plays fine, when i compile/pack it to stand alone file, mp3’s dont work

When you compile mp3’s make a dynamic run time. be sure to include fmod.dll and python20.dll in the same directory as the game.
I can’t get mp3’s that are converted from wav’s to work either…: :-?
I tried changing the mp3’s to different kinds also, but it wouldn’t work…
I hope this is fixed.

but if the engine plays Mp3’s why won’t it play my MP3’s? whats the difference??? Something to do with protected file? there must be some way to make mp3’s that work in blender if the ones from the net work…


YES! I just figured it out. If you don’t have goldwave, get it. www.goldwave.com
Go to File>>Batch Conversion>> and select your wav.
I put mine on 128kbps (Stereo…of course)
I did it and now I can change my wavs to mp3’s that blender will read!
WOOT! :stuck_out_tongue:

I had a wav sound that I found on my computer that sounded good for my game. It was 1.68mb now the mp3 is 158kb. yay:D

It probably doesn’t handle VBR (Variable Bit Rate) mp3s… but an MP3 is and MP3… unless your talking about MP3Pro… which is a bit “enhanced”…

For music stereo is fine, but for anything else I recomend you use mono. Blender can make the sound 3d (sound like it’s coming from a certain spot) only if you use mono. So sound effects are much better mono because then they can be 3d.