I’m looking for ideas on what to work on for a python script. I sure there are some scripts that need to be made and others that are partially done/not working. Is there a list or something I can get suggestions?
I’m most interested in doing an import/export script, but not too picky.
I’ve downloaded eight or nine different .bvh support scripts, and none of them really deliver reliable .bvh import. A couple of them kind of-sort of do, if you are prepared to spend some serious time adapting the results to your needs. Most of them simply throw errors. I think Blender would really benefit from some solid mocap support. I’d like to be able to port files over from other applications…
boarning answer- test all the scripts that are going to be released with 2.42 and write reports and or patches for any that have problems. there are not enough people testing python scripts in the blender releases.