What do you use? Vista? XP? OSX? Linux? Why?
I use Windows and OSX. Mostly OSX. I use windows for business purposes. I use OSX for happy fun time.
I use Windows XP, and only Windows XP. Currently I am thinking about lending my support to the Reactos project, which is (legally) bringing Windows to opensource.
I use windows because my computer came with it, and my internet is too slow to download download linux in a reasonable amount of time, and I don’t want to pay for a free os. Also I like osx but i can’t afford a mac
I use XP because I tried using linux and it hated me.
I use linux, because in my experience it’s had better stability (though not rock solid) than windows. Also, it’s free, highly extendible and has loads of great programs.
There are just lots of little things I miss when I boot in windows. Too many to list, but I have my system set up so that everything runs just how I want it to.
I’ve never tried a mac OS, but I think it wouldn’t do what I need best. My brother is a graphic designer and it’s by far the best OS for that (imo).
I use Ubuntu Linux because it’s got everything I need, and a lot lot more, for if I need it later. I can change pretty much whatever I want, to any extent. It gets the job done, and I can trust it.
I use windows because my computer came with it, and my internet is too slow to download download linux in a reasonable amount of time
You should try Ubuntu’s shipit page.
They’ll send you some CDs for free.
I’m on dual boot so I use Linux if I need to and Windows XP if it isnt available for Linux…
Switched to Linux not so long ago, with Ubuntu 6.06.
I mainly use Linux (Debian and Ubuntu), but I have a G4 iBook for school that I use occasionally. OS X is nice, but I just love Linux. As a student, the fact that almost everything is free is pretty nice.
windows for games, Linux for gfx.
dual booting is ok when you have such different uses for each.
Linux runs blender Sooo much better on my (slightly older) pc than windows, and it can render for weeks without locking up. However, most games are for windows so i keep it around.
I use XP. Tried Fedora, and it’s a pile of trash. Can’t use an internal modem, can’t use an external serial modem, can’t use a PCI serial port…
Windows (xp) > need it for rhino3D, adobe creative suit and other applications that wont work for linux.
Linux (unbuntu) > all my programming and other needs
3 machines, all dual boot between XP and Ubuntu 6.1 (32 bit)
Blender runs a bit faster in XP and I can use "Alt + RMB for loop selection
On the other hand, Ubuntu runs on less than 200 MEG of RAM but until I find a window manager that lets me use all the Blender features as I can in XP, I’ll have to dual boot.
I hate networking under XP as it takes for ever to see the network but Linux is FAST so I’m stuck with XP for a little longer. But once Ubuntu Studio come out, I might be able to do my audio stuff in Linux which means that I can convert one machine 100% to linux.
If I can figure out why GRUB won’t install on my Toshiba Qosmio, I could convert the Laptop right away as all I use it for is office admin and email.
I voted Linux but 50/50 is fair to say at them moment.
Maybe this poll could be repeated in the fall … the numbers should change “if” people are unhappy with Vista.
Where’s “All of the above” ?
I started off with a DEC PDP 11, I think the operating system was DCL? My first PC was an Atari 800. Great little operating system, the entire source code, with comments and design philosophy was published in a little book, size of a paperback, about 40 pages. Fit in 4K (not a typo). Migrated from there to Alpha Micro, an early multi-user system no one’s ever heard of, then settled into PCs with DOS, then Windows.
Attempted to migrate to Linux several times, had it running a couple of times, too, but there was always some hardware problem, mice, or modems, or something, that kept me from keeping it on my workhorse home machine. At some point all the stars will align and I’ll join the throng of happy penguins.
Work has PCs on Windows, and the machines I use range from Windows workgroup 3.1 to Windows 95/98 to Windows XP. There are some Windows 2000 machines, but I’ve managed to avoid those. The technology committee recently decided to go MAC, so I may wind up with a MAC sometime in the future. In one of my summer jobs I used a MAC dual processor G5 with a 30 inch wide screen and a gig of ram – sweet machine. Almost bought one at a student discount, and have been kicking myself ever since for not doing it. At my part time job I’m using the new MAC G5s, single processor with less ram and smaller screens. They’re nice, but the no-button mouse Apple attaches to them is driving me up the wall when using Blender.
Why do I use what I use? For the most part, work related. On the home front, I generally get inexpensive machines, on sale, and they come with windows.
I use XP because I can’t afford a mac.
Linux because:
no DRM
no spyware and essentially no viruses
better command line interface
automated package management (eg emerge / apt-get)
I find it more enjoyable to use
error messages are usually much more descriptive
no product activation
better stability and security
more flexibility
more openness
it does what I tell it to, not what it thinks I’m allowed to
better OS for what I’m interested in (programming, graphics)
My Windows pc died at home, so I’ve been using the linux backup, Ubuntu Edgy, and I tell ya what, it’s awesome. Being forced to use it has made me realize that I’m certainly not going to buy Vista for a loooong time.
I’ve also discovered that the most needed software for Linux is a current version of Flash. More and more people are using flash to stream movies and whatnot. That being said, I can also view all my avi’s/quicktime etc via MPlayer and Windows Codecs.
The 3d desktop on Linux has evolved considerably as well. The Beryl Manager is a nice front end to some pretty cool effects, if not particularly useful. Although this is enormously useful. I don’t know what they call it in OSX, but I don’t know how I lived without it. The other stuff is flashy, but not all that useful.
And compared to the Linuxes I’ve used in the past, the installation of all this stuff is pretty painless, but certainly not pain free … yet.
I use XP because it came with the computer and I wouldn’t be comfortable with changing it.
hey thanks, I already have looked at their webpage quite a bit, and I think i went their, I was a bit dissapointed that they were the older version, but maybe I’ll order it anyways since it is free