What OS do you use? (for Blender)

Doing a poll what platforms to develop my blender compatible program on first. Please post!

I use Windows 2000 most of the time, but when Blender crashes horribly and causes my whole system to stop responding, I hide in Linux for a while.

I’m using Knoppix (installed on HDD) and Blender runs just great

Linux runs blender much more smoothly (provided your window manager is good and your have an nvidia, and their drivers installed) and faster than on windows.

Even some zbuffer clipping problems are gone in linux.

this is somewhat true with ati

linux renders faster iirc

I dual boot, but am mostly in windows because I don’t currently have the ati drivers installed in linux, don’t have opera in linux working yet (libQT.so.3 bah), and don’t have a bittorrent client that I know of to resume my downloads.

The solution is to use firefox, and buy an nvidia. :stuck_out_tongue:

FireFox + NVidia = Complete ownage.

Pretty much all the new clients can resume downloads. I suggest you try Azureus.


whats this program you speak of??

The basic bittorrent python scripts for linux will resume your downloads. Just ctrl+c when you want to end the download. When you run it again it will automatically resume your download.



Pretty much all the new clients can resume downloads. I suggest you try Azureus.


The basic bittorrent python scripts for linux will resume your downloads. Just ctrl+c when you want to end the download. When you run it again it will automatically resume your download.


yes, I know

perhaps I should re phrase
I don’t have a bittorrent client in linux that I know of, to resume my downloads

as in, I am downloading things in windows where I have bittorrent
I don’t have a bittorrent client in linux (that I know of) so that I can resume my downloads.

(I may not be rebooting into linux for a while as I may be playing with blender, gprof, and the ati drivers in windows this weekend)

theeth, I’ll check out Azureus.

Except on 2.6.x kernels with 4k stacks…


(waiting on nvidia to release fixed drivers)

whats this program you speak of??[/quote]

It’s somewhat underwraps for now, should be out in about a month at the latest. Just look for the name Cyclone.


I use Windows and Linux. Everyday I find myself doing more on my Linux laptop and less on my 4 times as fast Windows machine.

Right now I’m running the gentoo universal liveCD. I’m running the bootstrap in console 1, console 2 has links with the handbook, console 3 has irssi and blenderchat, and 4 has links on elysiun, and I’m posting right now.

This so totally rocks.

Has anyone here given thought to making a Blender Linux distro? I would if I had a spare computer to test it with and the knowledge needed (the real reason).

I am surprised at how many people are using windows! I run dual-boot Slackware 9.1 and winXP and in my opinion Linux surpasses windows in every way. The interface (KDE in my case) is faster, more functional, and more graphically pleasing. Blender and wings3d both run about twice as fast and are much more stable. And on the rare occasion I do break something in Linux I usually just get kicked into the console. Also the ability to tinker with the OS and tweak it to your desires is nice. Its strange, but I just feel claustrophobic under windows these days…

I plan to learn more about remastering Knoppix, my main purpose being to combine all the graphic apps, drivers, and support files I use into one live CD… but I haven’t even started. only have a 32k connection at my house so downloading the iso takes like three days.

Ouch, 32k, check out this site, it’s where I got my CDs:


Theres a couple others too but I can recommend this one because it’s the only one I’ve used.

Well, I use Linux, but blender isn working on my Mandrake 10 :frowning: so I can’t use blender at the moment :< Hopefully it will be fixed soon because I don want to use windows for I don have a legal version of it, and I am not willing to pay for it :wink:

Will Blender only run in X-Windows? You could probably make a basic bootable Linux setup with just the kernel with basic OS, libraries, framebuffer and various drivers, and Blender; have it boot right into Blender.