What people who don't understand CGI say about your art?

I mean comments like.

-I like these photos
-These are some nice photos
-How did you take these pictures?
-Bring any more photos in?

These are very similar to real comments I got from people who don’t understand the true meaning of ‘made from scratch’ CG art, usually I have to tell them they’re not photos taken with a camera before they know.

What are your encounters with people who don’t know anything about CG art made in 3D programs?

Generally I try to reference some special effects in a popular movie and say it was made in a similar way.

I used to try and explain a condensed version of cg, but all I got was blank looks anyway.


Not to burst your bubble , but I posted a thread (called something along the lines of “non-blenderheads”) just like this… I don’t know if it’s too old to bump though.
Oh well, this should be fun anyway :slight_smile:

when i showed my uncle a render of my m9, he was like: cool… but why are you showing me a pic of a gun, i told him i made it, and he responded: do you mean like i kit?

it took a while to explain it:yes:

Yeah, my mom saw a picture of a motorcycle I made, but she thought I drew it, and had not made it in Blender. Whan I told her that I made it in a 3D program, she got the idea right away.

Then a while back she saw my desktop and asked if I made that image as well, but this time it was a real picture of my guitar. She said it looked cartoonish, but the picture wasn’t edited at all to look that way. :stuck_out_tongue:

In School I had a few traditional artist friends that always acted like doing something in 3D was cheating or just plain easier than doing traditional art. Of course they refused to learn even the basics of CGI.
In thier defense I think that an initial encounter with programs like poser or Daz can give some artists the wrong Idea about what 3D involves and then they just don’t want to learn anymore.

i was talking with a guy who was about my grandfather’s age and he mentioned that 3D isn’t 3D it just gives the illusion of depth and that the computer does ALL the work for you

he was only partly right on that one, but boy it grinded my gears…

“That’s amazing software. Could you give me a copy, so that I can build my dream house?”

People who don’t understand 3D tell me that I am good at it :smiley:

My mother’s an artist… so she took a look a a piece I made in blender and said, you got the shadows right, but I don’t like that texture… try again… :frowning: She didn’t even bother asking how I made the image… I would suspect it’s because artists use whatever they want to achieve the affect they want and computers are a valid tool.

“Can you make it move?”
That’s the most usual answer I get.

If someone says that it looks good. I know they know very little about 3D. Then again, I got a full time job with 3d work, with a image that wasn’t that good. It’s the one with houses and that got locked because a dysfunctional person said that it didn’t look good. Guess what lizard boy. I got the job.

Well I got this from a non-3d artist . . . “you have to mesh it, texture it, rig it, and animate it all by yourself.” umm yes. you got the steps right but you don’t need to do everything.

i get that a lot too!


That never happens to me because I live in the year 2008 . . . and not in Kansas (where I believe it’s still 1930).

My parents always tell people that I “drew” it myself. I just shake my head in shame. I try to explain it to them, but I still don’t think they get it.

I often show a lot of people that know nothing of 3d my 3d art. I get a lot of varied responses, such as.
“What software are you using?”
“Did that software cost $20,000” or some extremely high number. To which I respond, I use blender, it’s free, opensource, and you should download it. Most people are shocked.
“Cool.” with a completly uninterested expression.
Some people claim that this is not art, and think the computer does all the work.
Most traditional artists have usually been very interested, some even want to get in to it themselves.

When viewing meaningless displacement-textured cube with clashing saturated color scheme they say, “Wow, that’s hideous.”

of my image of a picnic table at the beach and radiosity, they say “wow, you did that?”
of my avatar, at high resolution, they said “wow, computers are replacing artists

of my animation of a soldier, hindu, guitarist, and poor driver, they said, neat, “keep up that 3d stuff

of my demo of how simple it is to model and animate a rocket ship that follows a path they said “hmm I guess it takes a long time to learn all that

my parents think i’m VERY talented