What rhymes with Linux?.... ah yes... Sucks...


Yup, I’ve been to the Ubuntu forums, so don’t panic about me loitering around here for linux answers all the time :wink:

Still getting to grips with things. Here’s what I managed thus far:

Installed Nvidia Video Drivers (Using appropriate kernel headers and gcc compilers etc…)
Installed Nvidia Nforce LAN & NVmixer drivers (once again it compiled appropriately)
Downloaded and installed Firefox 1.5 RC1
Downloaded Blender 2.40 Alpha2
Downloaded Wings3D
Downloaded Jahshaka 2.0RC1
Downloaded Yafray 0.8.1 noEXR (EXR version needed a strange dependency I could not locate)

All the above is working 100% fine and stable.

Just a couple of fairly straight forward questions:

When I downloaded firefox, I didn’t know where to ‘put it’ So it’s currently sitting in my /home/username folder. It runs fine but I’m not sure if this is where it’s supposed to be?

Ubuntu had Firefox 1.06 or 1.07 already installed. By changing the toolbar shortcut to the firefox beta in my /home/username folder it now loads up firefox 1.5 with my old bookmarks etc…

Is this okay?

Blender and Wings are just like windows versions, they’ll run pretty much anywhere so I figured they were fine in /home/username.

Apologies if some of these questions are stupid to you pros but at least I’m not asking about how to compile or stuff anymore. I’ve got the apps I aimed for installed.

Just looking for good advice on installation locations now.

Mucho thanx so far though guys (and any girls) :smiley:


when you’re done, you know what? you could write down a simple, bulleted how-to get things in shape and working. for ppl that DON’T WANT to learn strange words from unixworld but need a box that works.

some more:

if you want to speedup your blender, look here: https://blenderartists.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=17626&start=390

hehe… er… hmm… compiling my own blender from source. That’s quite a step up from what I’ve been learning :o

I merely downloaded the linux tarball from blender3d.org and bang it worked. I’m already quite shocked at how much smoother and quicker blender seems to perceptually be within linux compared to windows. I heard talk of how much resources windows hogs, but it’s only when you actually use blender on an non-MS system that you notice it.

Plenty happy with render performance in both yafray and blender internal for now.

I should perhaps explain a little more about why I’m so desperate to try and learn enough linux.

I’m planning and hoping to meet some digital community folk in my local area, and it is my intention to propose that I along with others could hold classes on using open-source FREE software within communities for young people.

Try to get local youths interested in 3D, animation and even video editing etc…

So I naturally had criteria as I’ve already mentioned. I’m almost there with it. Except, the Nvidia sound drivers did install, and they do play beautifully with audio CDs etc… but NOT at all in blender. I get no audio at all. Very odd. %|

I’ll continue onwards though. Get that stable system with the main apps solid enough then I might consider taking what I’ve learned and putting it into HTML and PDF format through screengrabs etc… and step-by-step advice.

Well anyhoo, tis my sunday and I’m gonna vegetate watching TV today. I need a wee break :smiley:

just compile blender with optimizations I posted. circa 160% speedup.

Gentoo compiles everything from source, but this doesn’t require you to know how to…

Install Blender in Gentoo (without sudo for now):

su root
<enter root password>
emerge blender


Not too difficult, the only thing is that compiling takes a bit longer than installing, but what’s a bit of time installing compared to the speed increase you gain running the program?

Alex (Gentoo 2005.1)

o.k. that’s OT and hijacking - but there are slackware users.

I read on some forums that slack with 2.4.xx kernels has better 3d performance (i calculated cca +20%, according to glxgears test posts) than 2.6.xx.

I was looking at vectorlinux www.vectorlinux.com to put on some older (‘recycled’) boxes with geforce2 (which should be plenty for optimized blender build). Ubuntu/debian w.gnome kills them :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe fluxbox for clean appearance and nearzero mem usage.

Any thoughts and guidance? I downloaded slackbook pdf but haven’t really grasped it yet. Vectorlinux has gcc 3.3.4 as I read (which should be fine for optimizations I developed).

Are there slack dependencies listed somewhere - and how to obtain them properly to build blender (w.scons : which python makes faster builds ??? )? If it gets too complicated I may as well just wait for xubuntu …
(i’m gravitating towards debian and slack originated stuff)

I also looked at slax, the ‘module’ approach is quite cool. I wish I could be able to make me a lean ‘quasi-distro’ install cdrom with only stuff I need (put cd in the box, and install w/o any questions …).

You should try minimalistic SLAX distro.

Hiya all. A wee update as I’ve got things going pretty smooth here.

Got Wings, Blender Alpha-2 (with working sound now), Jahshaka, Yafray (finally with EXR), Gimp 2.2.9, all relevant codecs for quicktime/avi etc…

Even got java runtimes installed much easier than a lot of the how-to guides I was reading.

Done some tweaking around with login themes/splash screens etc…

So thought you might like a desktop snapshot to see my progress :smiley:


And yes, I know it’s awfully apple-esque, but that’s the mood I’m in so that’s the theme I’m using (for now).

Couple of niggles.

1.) I miss winamp.

2.) I can’t get mplayer at all to install from anywhere, so I use totem for videos.

3.) Firefox bombs out whenever a site has embedded quicktime clips, but I understand from forums that this is mplayer and mplayer-plugin related. Neither can be obtained on my system by means of Synaptic with or without uni/multiverse enabled.

4.) No ICC colour management. Gimp 2.3/2.4 will have it, but it’s not system-wide. %|

I am very impressed with the general 3D performance within linux. Even with it only being openGL, it is very smooth. Throw in blender & yafray performance and I’m very happy to use linux to animate on.

Neither can be obtained on my system by means of Synaptic with or without uni/multiverse enabled.

I don’t know how to do it (exactly) but i know you can set wget to download a deb and then follow the repository links to get your dependencies. then cd to download folder and dpkg -i *

… sort of (!!!) but I know it can be done.


anybody using Mandriva 2005LE from LinuxFormat Special ?

WHAT LIBRARIES and stuff (and how/where to get them) are needed to compile blender with scons there(i.e. 2.36, 2.37a and 2.40 when available officially)?

(I downloaded scons-0.96.1-1mdk.noarch.rpm from contrib)
what else do I need?

HOW to set up mandriva with blackbox? (no kde/gnome)
And Xorg with old Nvidia (GF2MX) cards - Radeon 7000/7500 cards?

i don’t have much experience with rpm stuff, is there a good howto on how to automate the mandriva install directly usable for 2005LE?

bump: (before install !!! )

are there the proprietary nvidia and ati drivers INCLUDED in the LinuxFormat Special Mandriva2005LE CD set? (so I can get the kernel-sources for the process beforehand if the cds are only from the ‘free’ images, i.e. without proprietary drivers - how can i check that out without installing/formatting the hd? - is there a way to trick installer to show it w/o disk format?)

where to get accelerated driver for ati radeon <7500 ( !!! ) ? if there’s a mandriva rpm, the better.

where to get accelerated driver for older nvidia (equivalent to 6111 driver, or the ubuntu warty glx - based on 6111, maybe up to 7174 )

what do I need to compile blender with scons on Mandriva2005LE?
list and links please ( !!! ) europe locations

how to make automation script for drake?


I still don’t understand what is your problem, but…well…anyway
Have you a Geforce or a Radeon?
If you’ve a Geforce ( like me) it will work out of the box with Mandriva ( but no
3d acceleration), but at least you can login graphically
Then go to the Nvidia’s site and download the latest Gfx Linux drivers 1.0-76-76?
Before install the Nvidia drivers check if you have the kernel source installed ( the same version of your kernel of course)
Normally it’s shiped with the 3 cd set
If not you must download it
Install MC (midnight Commander) too, it’s useful unless you’re fine with Nano or Pico
Now in the Mandrake Control center ( or at the install time) choose to login NOT GRAPHICALLY or AUTOMATICALLY
Then reboot
login as root ( or with su) and install the driver ( very easy)
Now open MC ( type mc) and go to the /etc/X11/XF86config-4 and edit it
Normally you only need to replace the line where’s driver “nv” by driver “nvidia”
Now in the console type startx and croos fingers

Once you get the XForg server running it’s very easy to install rpm packages
In the control center you have a urpmi gui to Install/uninstall
Type Blackbox in the search field and install it ( if a package it’s not in the list add some source sites to your sites list)
Change your config to login graphically
Now you’ve a login window where you can choose your session ( Blacbox?)
and enter your name and password
Good luck

ta - it’s not a problem. it’s a query - I don’t know what status has the aforementioned cd set i’ve got. I need it to set up for more than one box, non-networked, hence ati/nv questions. (i know of proprieatery accelerated driver release policy of mandrake/pay-for club and DON’T know if the LXF cds are ‘club’ or ‘free’ stuff - no email yet so I ask here).

the version questions are related to some cards being too low a version for the current official ati linux driver (it does 8500 and up) - nv should be fine with 6111 driver.

I think i outlined what I need logically and concise. please, only respond if you know the exact answer I’m looking for. I need to burn all deps I need to a cdrom and transfer them.

Sorry to bother you!

bump for mandriva q-s

didn’t get official answer, didn’t try yet to install. if anybody knows, please, answer!

B - U - M - P

What d’you think you are doing there? treath?
Linux and 0SS community made a big effort, even too much, against propriatary software and fucking closed format, against the lack of hardware specifications, against the fuckin’ ungrateful newbies and you, because you can’t move your mouse without tutorial, you piss on their works?!

You know, i told that a lot of time, we have reached a level where we don’t need to do concessions anymore.
So walk or cry.

Go use windows, nobody prevents you.

bye, ciao, au revoir

i give help to those who deserve it.

Talk about bumping ‘old news’. And talk about being plain rude to a forum member. :confused:

If I recall correctly, that was some time ago, and I was sticking with Windows for the most part as Linux/Ubuntu was a lot to take onboard.

But just to let you know, I now run Dapper 6.06 on a dual-boot with my Windows, I compile my own blender builds and often use Linux. Especially for any 3D or rendering tasks. :smiley:

Linux IS scary for new folk, and back then I was new. I’m by no means an expert now, but I do USE Linux regularly, which should be viewed as progress.

Blender is scary for any new folk but i don’t think you’d say it sucks.

What i mean, it’s every first experience is scary, even Windboobs.
hem, in fact scary for noobs who can even do something without call their mother.


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