What should everyone get at a library?

Okay, I’m extremely short on ideas as to what I should look for at my library, so I’m making this thread instead of using my brain.

My recommendations:

“Rushmore” (a movie about a kid who falls for a first-grade teacher)
“The Royal Tenebaums” (you have to see it to understand the plot)
“24” (if you haven’t seen the first episode at least, see it now)

4 books I can recommend.

‘Mr Nice’. Author:- Howard Marks. Autobiography of the orignal dope smuggler. Go to www.mrnice.com for more info.

‘Book of dope stories’. Author and compiler:- Howard Marks. Go to www.mrnice.com for more info.

‘Slaughter house 5’. Author:- Kurt Vonnegut. Bonkers time traveling / autobiography.

Talisman. Author:- Stephen King. Bonkers parallel universe epic.



You edited that, you sly little fox! I tried out the first two. They’re not at the library. The other two I tried but didn’t get into.

I seem to remember you saying you hadn’t read “Ender’s Game” by Orson Scott Card so if you haven’t read that.

Also if you like fantasy try the Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind (the first book is “Wizards First Rule” which is now one of my favorite books, so try it even if you don’t like fantasy) or the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan. The first books int he WOT series are good, but around 8 or 9 they start getting boring.


From Stephen King, the Dark Tower series (there’s four parts now, ay?). Really high quality fantasy, if you don’t hate SK’s style of writing.

Flann O’Brien’s “Third Policeman”, which I’m just reading, is also worth reading, if you like strange stories, and odd philosophical thoughts.

Anything by H. P. Lovecraft, if you like different kind of horrorstories (all except one of his works are short stories).

William Gibson’s books (Neuromancer at least should be read, it’s a classic).

Hmm… that’s it for now :slight_smile:

A smart (and cute) girl?


Blend on, and blend well!!!

What on earth are you babbling, Babsis???

He asked what he should look for at the library, not what books he should look for at the library :wink:


‘cryptonomicon’ is a good book…

look for the “do blenderhead read” thread on the forum.

That strictly depends on the librarian. If she is very beautiful all books can remain there :wink:


paul auster: new york trilogy
henri michaux: plume (collection of writings)
albert camus: the outsider
philip k dick: galactic pot-healer
becket samuel: mercier & camier

something to read on the beach or summer cabin…

EDIT: the philip k xxxx seems to be censored by the forums. so the last name is the D-word, same meaning…


in cardiff there are always cute students studying.

mainly cos our libery is completly silent cos you get escorted out by security if your not.

(my friend didnt belive me when i told him this so i made him go in, i’ve never seen his eyes so wide open)

lets face it any inteligent girl is not going to be looking for a like minded bloke in a club!

books … cubefan you sound like a MICHAEL CRICHTON fan.

most of his books are good pick a title that apeals to you and you can’t go wrong.

pfff books,…

I only read informative books, (mostly computer related). I tend to get bored on ‘real’ books,… comics I like though! :slight_smile:

Gah, books! I shall kill them all! Them and their detail… and their… detail… and… covers… and… words… and… pages… and… detail… Damn books… Think they’re so good… We must rid the world of the tyranny of ‘Books’… I must unleash those… those… worms… whatever they’re called… into the nearest librarium to dispose of this atrosity… 5 bucks says I spelled that wrong…

The Myst Series by Rand and Robyn Miller

Good Books…
Good Games…

Nothing else to say.

i know these books are too common, but the hobbit, the lotr saga, and all of sherlock holmes books r great. ah! u should also have vampire chronicles by anne rice and dracuala, the original by bhram strocker (don’t know the spelling).


u know what i mean