What sucks about Internet providers (RANT; POSSIBLY STUPID)

I hate Freeservers. I hate GeoCities. And there’s a reason. They think that money is more important than service. When I go to a website, I don’t need to be bombarded by infinite banners and pop-ups. And what sucks worse is that you only have two choices: Pay for the services or live with it.

Now, I know that Internet providers have to make money. But there’s something a little worse happening. You see, when you put up your Blenderworks on a free webpage, it’ll take 7 hours to click through the pop-ups, and two more hours to scroll through the banners. (Obviously, I’m either exaggerating or assuming you have the slowest computer in the world.) Then you have to deal with those accidental misclicks onto the banners/pop-ups. I’m pretty sure that’s how most free things get their money: You click on a banner/pop-up, and they get about 39 cents or something.

What’s so angering about that is that they’re making money off of your work. I don’t know if there’s something in the Constitution against this (aside from theft, which I don’t think it is–IMP, you have a lawful voice, tell me if there’s anything against that), but to me it just sounds wrong. You put up a short for PUBLIC DOMAIN, and someone else gets to make money off of it. I know we should suffer through it–our servers will die if we didn’t have that stuff–but there’s something worse.

Now, I’d actually be willing to pay for one kind of Internet service and make you guys suffer through the banners (I don’t REALLY hate the banners–pop-ups suck in every way, though), just as long as I’d make a profit and not the company. I know, if I want that, I should set up my own server, but I’m pretty sure that costs WAY too much. I’d be willing to pay to get a service where I can turn off the pop-ups, lower the volume of banners, and put up my Blenderworks for a small profit with NO money being taken by the company. And I don’t mean a “No-ads” thing; I want to use THEIR sponsors and get THEIR money since I’m pretty sure that, on a Blenderworks page, it’s rightfully mine and not theirs.

Worse, the companies make sure you can’t put something in that makes the banners impossible to click, I think. For example, I don’t think Freeservers or GeoCities allow you put a huge square around the banner, since they make it hard for you to make the pages. And that’s another thing–when I used those providers, they made me make the sites in their own programs. I didn’t mind it much at the time until I realized now how stupid it was–it was impossible to put in links on this one GeoCities thing, and Freeservers didn’t seem to allow you to have things like movies or anything–you can only go as far as images. Slurrrpp… slurrrpp…

Is anyone with me on this? In summary, I hate how free Internet providers make you suffer through inconvenience, banners/pop-ups, and actually get money off of it all, even when you rightfully deserve it in my view.

you’re talking about Webspace providers, not ISPs.

just thought I would mention that.

and I don’t disagree with you (mostly).



Is anyone with me on this?

No… but keep going. I’ll catch up in about a week or so.


im sure in the geocities TOS (terms of service) there is something that says ‘whatever you put on your servers is subject to whatever we want to do with it’ to some degree. signing up to use their space means you agree to the part where you bend over and take it. is it legal? yea. is it good karma for geocities? no. Hotmail is the same way. i think there is something in their TOS that says any email you write becomes their property to use how they see fit. thats Big Business™ evil practices for you.

In two words: SCREW YOU, GEOCITIES! Okay, that’s three, but you get the picture.

ROFLMAO he he he! :smiley:

One thing that pisses me off is when a really good web host comes out, boasting “unlimited space and bandwidth”, no ads, and a bunch of other cool stuff for free. I’ve seen about 5 of them come and go, each within a time period of about a month. The people that make these kind of webhosts are frickin’ idiots because it’s impossible to set no boundaries on hosting for free. Too many people will want to register, and they will become overloaded. Another thing that really makes me mad about these kind of hosts is that when they DO become overloaded, they often shut down their services without any warning whatsoever.



those services are FREE!!! if you pay for it, then expect good service, if you don’t then you have no right to complain. they are giving you that service free of charge, it’s like biting the hand that feeds you, it makes no bloody sense.

if you don’t like the service don’t use them.


one more thing, when you sign up for the service you are signing a contract with them, that they can do anyhting they want with your site, it’s content and what not. then you people complain that it’s not good enough?

it’s bloody free!! it’s not like these services are going to be 100% gold enterprise stuff.

jeez. %|

Is anyone with me on this? In summary, I hate how free Internet providers make you suffer through inconvenience, banners/pop-ups, and actually get money off of it all, even when you rightfully deserve it in my view.

what a foolish thing to say!!! they don’t MAKE you do anything, if you don’t like it use reblended!! or another free service.

i used to have free servers, they did’t make you use their program, you can upload your own, you just have to look aorund their site to find it.

BTW- they aren’t evil, they’re just trying to make some money, if people used their brains, and read the TOS before signing up, there wouldn’t be goeciiese, or free servers, no one would use them because they would realise just how bad the serviece is.

it’s the people’s choice whether or not to use the service, not geo cities.


What’s so angering about that is that they’re making money off of your work. I don’t know if there’s something in the Constitution against this (aside from theft, which I don’t think it is–IMP, you have a lawful voice, tell me if there’s anything against that), but to me it just sounds wrong. You put up a short for PUBLIC DOMAIN, and someone else gets to make money off of it. I know we should suffer through it–our servers will die if we didn’t have that stuff–but there’s something worse.

it’s not theft!!! YOU agreed to them having those banners. if you don’t like it don’t use it.


almost everything in that post makes it seem like you think that that’s the only way to post stuff on the web. you can use other services, you can use your own server. but this world, and everything in it is almost all based on money, it’s what todays geo-political structure is based on.

with out money, this world wouldn’t be the way it is. greed satisfise greed. unfortunate as it is, that is human nature.

ditto to what dittohead said…

sure free service are really bad…but…wait…THEY ARE FREE!!! Even if you have ti copy/paste a link, to have 10banner on your site + 5pop up…IT’S BETTER THAN NOTHING!!!

and the the webhosts that you have to pay to have an account are becoming very cheap, some are at 7,99$ per month! and thye have enough good service without pop-up or banner! Ask your parent to give you 7,99$ per month or find a small job! Like painting fence or small things like that! I’m sure it’s not to hard for you!

Keep it up, you are goign to be the most idiotic member of elysiun…

PS: IN your topic title you put Possibly stupid…you should more write something like: surely stupid and useless

i am with Dittohead on this one.


its like complaining about blender, to the programers (they don’t want you too whine about all the free work they do for you)


True, guys, but if we want some service for free, they shouldn’t go and take our stuff.

BTW: I never read the “Terms Of Agreement.” I’ve read a few, and they’re essentially the same: “Don’t copy this, don’t sell it, blah blah blah.”

  3. Spell “programmers” correctly. There’s no such thing as a programer.
  4. There’s not much to whine about in Blender, minus the friggin’ Undo function.
  5. I know this sounds like bragging, but I DID contribute $50 to the cause a while back. (Okay, my PARENTS did, but you get the point.)

Would you mind pointing out where one of these $7.99 web services are? And besides, my parents won’t give me $7.99. Heck, they won’t get me a $5.00 rental at Blockbuster until the end of the schoolyear (they want to know I deserve it… THERE’S SOMETHING OF AN INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEO I WANT TO GET THERE: “Dazed & Confused”). I’m sure they won’t pay $7.99. And I’m willing to get a part-time job like working at a Chevron or a Best Buy as a cashier or something, but notice something about me? I’M A LAZY ASSHOLE. Get that through your heads.

Sorry, there wasn’t enough room. Seriously. Besides, it’s fair warning. If you read something that says “Possibly Stupid,” do you think it’s going to be the smartest thing since Einstein? NO!

Sigh… SPELL CORRECTLY! Geez. “Goign?” I know you mean “going,” but if you want to sound smarter than an idiot, make sure you can spell a little better than him, or at least on an equal level.

Reblended is down or whatever. I can’t use that. I tried.

Besides, how many free services are there? Please. Humor me.

Okay, let’s see… hopefully, that hand doesn’t expect you to eat it… and again, since when am I, a 13-year old who can’t be bothered to get off his lazy ass to work on his own room, supposed to get an expensive service?

wow…took you about 3day to find something against us…good job cube!

anyway, if you are that lazy…I mean how can you find the force to think about all those stupid stuff you write on the forum all day long??? C,mon…ok I can assume yo uare lazy and you don’t want a job right now, cause you are still a teen so I understand but, stop complaining about the work of the person that aren’t lazy!!!

ooh and go chek www.ahostmaster.com they got a “good” service…and they are cheap…perfect for only posting pic and a webpage…

If you read something that says “Possibly Stupid,” do you think it’s going to be the smartest thing since Einstein? NO!

Well, I don’t think you should write it in your topic title…since each of your topic are STUPID!

X: I’ll check out that site sometime. But first I’ll reply.

Next up, by “lazy,” I’m not saying I sit around all day thinking “I like vanilla” or “How can I annoy the smart Elysiun members today?” I do things, but mostly because my school makes me. And I waste brain cells on these stupid posts, hard as it may be to believe. I try to do something original if it’s supposed to be; if it’s a carryover from another thread, then it’s not entirely original. But the point is, if I were as lazy as you say I am, I would do NOTHING all day, and since I go through the trouble of posting useless threads on here, you can’t neccesarily say that I do nothing.

And last… yes, most of my posts are stupid and pointless… that’s why I knew I should include the warning in the title, just to assure people that it may be extremely stupid as usual.

Tough luck pal, you’re about as original as a carrot… I hate to break your world, but there’s roughly 5.5 billion humans on this dirtball, each of them thinks him-/herself to be somehow “original” or “special”. True, there’s no two persons exactly alike, but no one is original.
You are just another generic, angst-ridden, inane teenager and are as original as the generic, angst-ridden, inane teenager next to you. Look around you, what makes you different from your classmates? The way you dress? The way you think? Hobbies? Think again. WHY is the question. WHY do you dress like you dress, WHY do you think the way you think, WHY do you have the hobbies you have? Now try to imagine yourself in the place of someone else, and think about those questions again…

You’re just not original, only annoying.

oh i definatly agree with that about CUBEFAN

but when it comes to me, actually i have yet to met someone who says i am similar to someone they know.

as far as i know i am probably 1 in 5 million.

a bit mental perhaps but hey that measn there are only a few thousand people similar to me in the world.

and of those thousand i have yet to meet 1 of them, so i consider myself pretty indiviual.

now i’m not saying i am coz i probably am not, but i am saying that most people i meet say i am one of the strangest people they know (in a good way that is)


There are lots of webspace search engines; use one of them, and get a decent webspace provider with no ads. No need to complain. And talking about originallity - didn’t I start a thread about webspace providers?

  1. What’s with the carrot comment? Are you from another planet where carrots are a living being with the same personality or something?
  2. I’m pseudo-original. How’s that?
  3. I’m different for a few reasons. For one, they don’t know Blender, poor bastards. And, I am what I am because I hate the kids who think they’re so original by dressing like Goths. Ooh, you’re wearing black in the middle of the summer at 107 degrees! How… original. If you want original, do something like watch “Being John Malkovich” and think of how original you are compared to it.
  4. I dress like I dress because I have no other clothes; they do, but they choose based on plans when I do it at random. I have a hobby called “Blending” because it’s interesting & cheap, their hobbies are shopping & talking, which is boing and expensive. I think like I think because I’m Aspergers/autistic, they think like they think because they have machines in their heads that tell them what to think.

Cubie, did you know, that even tough you know Blender, it really does not make you original even in the lightest bit. 3D animation is only modern version from pencil/paper drawing. Nothing more nothing less.

And what comes to “hating” those other kids who think that they are so original while dressing up goths, well news brake, they probably hate you and the others from the same exact reason: Oh that dude thinks he’s original 'cause he’s dressed up as malibu barbie. Bah, I’ll say.

There is no originality in people these days.

Alright, first i have to say that if it’s free don’t complain. I still use reblended and it works (i think). There’s also a nice webspace provider with 150mb of free space, no ads, and for only 10.00 a year. Pretty nice, and they even let you have a 1 week free trial.

And an ISP provides internet (hence Internet Service Provider, a webspace provider provides webspace.

Geocities sucks, never use them. Search around, there’s plenty of good free webspace providers out there.


Okay, let’s see… hopefully, that hand doesn’t expect you to eat it… and again, since when am I, a 13-year old who can’t be bothered to get off his lazy ass to work on his own room, supposed to get an expensive service?[/quote]

that’s why you use the WORKING reblended!!! just because for one day it’s down doesn’t mean it is all the time, it was fixed 3 weeks ago!!(or was it two?)

i can use any puncuation i want, i still make a more vaild point than you anyway.

your age has nothing to do with whether you can get those services!! you can mow people’s lawns, or do something productive with your time, make a little money and get yourself those services!!

or you can sit around and complain alot, your choice but i don’t wanna here it. %|