What to do with knowledge?

I have some info I want to share with people but not sure where to put it. This Forum section is “Tutorials …” should I add to posts and make more solutions or maybe a Blog? I would do YouTube but don’t like my voice.

This (site and category) is a great place to share written tips and tricks :slight_smile:

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Why not make videos with just Text?
I know many viewers want a voice.

But as Frank Zappa (great musician) once said:
It’s your guitar (your video), so play (record) how you want.

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Tutorials always provide the most use to the person creating it. Really makes your knowledge sink in. If that’s how it’s going to be, might as well use it as an opportunity for personal growth. So, absolutely go and challenge how you feel about your voice and make videos anyway.


A related question. Do you think my bad English accent will make my tutorial videos less appealing?

I think it does unfortunately. But I think the issue is clarity, not the accent itself(but then in what cases does accent make it more clear if you are not used to it?..). If you can make it clear and easily understandable, that’s better. If you can talk without the accent it’s better as well. Can you? I cannot. :smiley: People tend to perceive anything that requires more mental processing less appealing - if you are old enough think about watching TV with noise or hearing audio with noise. If you need to “think” more about what you are seeing or hearing you tend to not like it. “Think” is maybe the wrong term, because sounds of language are processed automatically in the brain without consciously thinking about it, but if the brain needs to work more on that, it’s less pleasant.

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Speaking without any accent whatsoever is exactly what a Greek does. I just cannot speak with the British accent and think straight at the same time. I guess i need practice.

You can always write an English script ( text file which you could also use on Youtube for Closed Captions), use an AI text-to-speech, and pick the Voice and accent you prefer…
…or you can even do it in Windows in the settings > Time and Language
You would still need to capture the speech after playing it with something like Audacity…

There is always a way to get things done…you could even ask a friend who has a plesant voice to help you out…

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