What to do with the fluid cache?

I baked with the “is resumable” option turned on and my cache_fluid folder is over 500MB.

Is there a way to keep the final result of the bake and get rid of that cache or will I have to perform the bake all over again without that option in order to use less disk space?

Alas, if you want to re-use it, the bake must stay. I tend to clear it out only once I’ve rendered my final animation.

Sadly it seems the only time my simulations work properly is when I have it set to “is resumable”. Without it only the upper 10% of the water volume mesh is generated :’( How am I able to experience this consistently on 2 laptops (mac and pc) all day and nobody testing the latest release caught this. It’s not like I’m doing something odd and elaborate with water sims. Literally just testing the quick liquid effect :’(

Have you tried just doing a quick fluids test? I have my bake mode set to modular, then ensure I have flip fliuds set and just bake the data first, then the mesh. Never had an issue.
Try this file, just go to the domain and hit bake data, you should be able to hit ESC to pause it, then press the resume button. Once it’s baked, you can then bake the mesh.
BasicTest.blend (1.1 MB)

yes I’ve been doing quick fluids all day along with a few other slightly less “default” tests and in every test my fluids disappear unless I have bake mode set to modular and enable “is resumable”

If it’s not set to modular or final, I don’t think the cache is kept on disk, at least, that’s my understanding of it.