What do you think the best film ever was?
I have just wizzed through the topic and picked out the four most mentiond films.
What do you think the best film ever was?
I have just wizzed through the topic and picked out the four most mentiond films.
in my opinion, it would be either matrix or lord of the rings1(i havent seen the second… i love the stories of both and althought lotr was a tad slow, i still enjoyed it to the max…if i had to choose, id say lotr…
The one, was also a favorite of mine… and harry potter! may be a recommended childrens book, but it was also a fantastic movie
I didn’t like the Harry Potter film but thats just my opinion.
i would have to say it was 2000000000 leuges under the sea!!!
FANTASTIC. or was it BEN HUR!!!
but it certainly ain’t a modern film that is the best ever, jsut as elvis is still the king, he isn’t at all modern.
For now, the best film I’ve seen was Takashi Miike’s Audition (Oodishon). It left me speechless. I won’t say anything else about it, so that I won’t spoil it. Oh, except that if you get nightmares easily, avoid this flick, or you can’t sleep for a week.
I went to IMDB to see what people had to say about this flick, and here’s one comment that I found rather good:
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By - amanwithoutaplan
Before you being not that this post contains spoilers. (if you’re the type of person who doesn’t mind spoilers i strongly reccomend that you reconsider, Miike films are generally better the less you know about them.)
I saw this movie on the big screen, and sadly it just doesn’t transfer to home well. To understand the sheer horror of it all, i think you gotta see this movie in the theatre, not an easy task, taken that it only did a short theatrical release in the US (LA and NY, and a few colleges). Half of the horror that comes from this movie is from the reactions of your fellow movie goers, i’ve never in my life heard so much nervous laughter in one place. Half of the people were getting up an leaving and the other half remained, hoping that someone or something could save them from what they were seeing on the screen. I was terrified for weeks over this film. It hit me so bone deep that i could feel it as if i were one of the characters. This movie is not about scary though, it’s not about horror, it’s strictly about love. SPOILY PART SNIPPED As for comparing Audition to films such as Ringu and The Ring, they don’t even come close. Audition is on a whole other level. This is a brilliant Japanese masterpiece, directed by a brilliant japanese director who is trying to change cinema as we know it today.
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My name suggests what it was: “Cube.” Then I saw “Run Lola Run,” which is like the best film ever. Then “High Fidelity,” “Lock Stock And Two Smoking Barrels,” “Snatch” (why did you think I put “Crime” in as a theme in my poll? Because I like crime comedies… “BARK!” squeak), then “Cube,” then “Waking Life,” then “The Shawshank Redemption” and “The Majestic.”
However, last night I saw the best movie ever that is definitely not for immature people or very impressionable people: “Se7en.” One reason I saw it was to figure out how it was “disturbing.” As it turns out, my theory (gory crime scenes) wasn’t as true as the ending, which is definitely not a Hollywood ending. Trivia: The execs at New Line even wanted it changed, but Brad Pitt said he wouldn’t make the film unless it was that ending. Wow. The movie may make you think twice before eating spaghetti again.
“Cube” is actually a movie? heh, honestly i thought you were a fan of 3d cubes i had no idea it was something else
what is cube about?
“Cube” is about 6 people who get thrown into a maze of cubes for no apparent reason. They have to figure out a way out through math, boots, and turning into something different than you thought they were… (BTW: If you like gore, “Cube” has lots of it… booby traps are set up in about 5/6 of the rooms, so if they go into a booby-trapped room, they can get acid sprayed in their face, lit on fire, or even impaled if they make a sound or move.)
3D cubes are cool too.
cube is the all time WORST movie in the world.
1/2 my friends LOVED it and got it out every day
while the other 1/2 of us formed a little club and pissed off to do better things coz it was so bad.
you either LOVE it or HATE it (theres no middle ground)
as for harry potter I LOVE THAT FILM
its so magical i couldn’t belive how it took me right back to when i was that age, its so cool.
Cube and Cube 2 were both not that great in my opinion.
Now, Caddy Shack and Space Balls… Superb!!! hah. 8)
As for best film, I’m gonna have to say Finding Nemo. The animation was superb, story telling complete, and Pixar keeps getting better and better with every film. Second behind that would either be Ice Age or Monsters Inc. Granted these are animated… I’m not sure I could actually narrow it down to one or two movies for non-animated feature films. There are so many good ones to choose from.
Cube was a piece of cinematic garbage not worthy of the celluloid its printed on. I can’t believe ANYONE liked it at all. It has all the charm of Police Academy 6 combined with the dialog of a nickelodeon daytime show. Its on par with another sci-fi original “Epoch”. There are so many awful movies on that channel that I wonder how they stay in business. But back to cube…that movie was so bad I had to wash my TV after I watched it. That movie was so bad that my furniture turned away. That movie was so bad that my pets left the room out of boredom. That movie was so bad that people called me asking me what the smell was coming out of my house. That movie was so bad that the cable company canceled my service because I watched it. That movie was so bad that they currently show it in the movie theater of the Titanic. That movie was so bad that even Saddam Hussein and his sons didn’t have it in their collection. Sorry CubeFan…you’re the only “big fan” of the worst movie in the history of mankind. As for the best movie:
Cube 2. Yeah right. This movie is even more awful than the original. I watched it out of shear morbid curiosity, and frankly, watching a mortition disect a corpse on the discovery channel was more entertaining. I’ve seen brown marks in dirty laundry that were more interesting. This movie made me want to go to the dentist just to take a vacation from the hell that this movie was. Cube 2 was so bad that its banned in Cuba because the names sound the same. Cube 2 was so entirely awful that the Borg changed the shape of their ship to a big middle finger.
The actual best movie… There isn’t one.
Call me old-fashioned, but I’ve gotta say Citizen Kane (1939). Yes it’s a little slow near the end, but if you pay attention, it’s worth it. A close second for me is To Kill A Mockingbird (1960 something). And then West Side Story (1960 something too).
That was back when they had to have this thing called “acting”. And that other thing called “dialogue”. Those are excellent examples of ACTUAL good movies. Today’s film industry needs to grow out of the childish infactuation with special effects. Don’t get me wrong, they’re amazing. But they have their place. When I see Star Wars: Attack of the Clones, I understand that HAD to digitally create 95% of what was on the screen. But they do that, and forget to incorporate good acting and a plot worth following.
There are a few:
Its: The Last of the Mohicans
And yes that is one of the best movies of all times. And the soundtrack is absolutely phenomenal.
Blade runner.
demolitian man
judge dread.
judge JUDY
what others
2001 a space odyssey
The Great Dictator
The Magnificent Seven
Fight Club
Dark Star
Pretty much anything with Sylvester Stalone or Rob Schneider doesn’t make the cut so we’ll have to throw out Judge Dredd.
Fight Club
omg how could i forget about that! i loved that movie… its right up there tied for second with the matrix =)
thank u for reminding me, im gonna dl it now so i can watch it again
Dawn Of The Dead