What was the best game ever?

i think my all time favourite game forever will always be Metal Gear Solid. BTW, Greyfox pwns :stuck_out_tongue:

i had no idea there were other people who actually played tetrinet! that game is so crazy that itā€™s fun! honestly, i was at a lan party and we were all about to get a game of WCIII going when one guy starts playing tetrinet. needless to say, itā€™s all we played for the rest of the night.
as for the blender tetrinet server, iā€™m with ya! if you start it, i know four other geeks whoā€™ll play (they donā€™t know much about blender, but oh well). hopefully itā€™ll be the original tetrinet though, i tried tetrinet 2 and it was insane, i just kept getting my blocks all mutated.

to sum upā€¦
tetrinet: w00t
MGS: w00t w00t

OK - hereā€™s my take:
Standard: Chess
Computer: MechWarrior 2
Console: King of Fighters 99 (on the Neo Geo!)

I only have the DOS version of MechWarrior 2 and I upgraded my system before finishing itā€¦does anyone know if the Windows 95 version would work under Win2k? Not the best graphics, but it would still be fun to beat the game!

WTF? Where were all of you when i posted my chess topic?

Anywho: Hereā€™s my list of favorite games:

Console Games
All of the zelda games
Super Smash Bros
Super Smash Bros Melee

The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind
No One Lives Forever 2
Asheronā€™s Call 1+2
Monkey Island 1-4
Wolfenstine: Enemy Territory (Multiplayer freeware standalone mod, go download, best multiplaer game ever)

Dance Dance Revolution
Metal Slug (all)

Chess (I play chess competitivly)
Go (itā€™s nto better than chess though)

Iā€™m definetly forgeting some, but i cant think of any more off the top of my head.


-tuxracer (my no1!!!)
-planeshift (my no2!!!)
-frozen bubble
-neverwinter nights
-remakes (and games) of doom, heretic (2), hexen (2), quake (all)
-scummvm for old adventure clasics :smiley: (see my win*/dos list)

-monkey islands
-goblins (all of them)
-day of the tentacle (and manic mansion)
-discworld (all)
-simon the sorcerer (1 and 2)
-other lucas arts (scumm) adventures

but i have to say, iā€™m not much of a player for a long time now :stuck_out_tongue:

1st - Gran Turismo series on PSX and PS2.

2nd - GTA3 and Vice City on PC and PS2.


best games, hmmm
1)Chrono Trigger (The best rpg, ever, period, if you disagree your wrong, IMO :stuck_out_tongue: )
2)Mario (any of them on systems up to/including SNES, mario2 not cool tho)
3)Donkey Kong Country
4)Myst (donā€™t hit me)
5)Frogger (for atari)
6)FF7 (The second best rpg ever, no, no not more hitting)
7)Warcraft 2 (please stop hitting me, pleas)

I got burnt out on chess, so I started developing a version of chess with all of the moves, but with D&D style combat to capture pieces. In other words, if a pawn tried to capture a knight, unless the knight had been weakened from previous attempts, the pawn would most likely be captured instead.

Anyway, the best game would have to be Hitman. I will most likely change my answer when I get Hitman 2 or Splinter Cell, but right now itā€™s Hitman.

Sweet! Another Metal Slug fan. I was beginning to think I was the only one.

  1. Metal Gear Solid
    Thatā€™s what I call entertainment. The atmosphere caught me from the first to the last second. Playing it on ā€˜Extremeā€™ was really an experience.

  2. Mario 64
    I must admit I never spent more time with a single player computer gameā€¦ didnā€™t stop until the last of the 120 stars was MINE!)

  3. Counter-Strike
    Still the best on LAN. Donā€™t slap me!

Has anyone tried three way chess?

I would have to say frisbee, volleyball, and racketball. I never liked computer games, myself.

Late night, a bottle of wine and a game of Go is nice.

go polish games!!! %|

I have never been much of a game player (and my family are all HUGE Nintendo fans), but hereā€™s my list (I have a hard time choosing favorites):

Montezumaā€™s Revenge
Donkey Kong (Bring the arcade into your own livingroom!)
Donkey Kong Jr.


Maniac Mansion (Itā€™s better than the NES one, IMO)

The Legend of Zelda
Little Samson (I have been playing this quite a bit lately)
Blaster Master
Super Mario Brothers (Classic)

Super Metroid
Mario Paint (What fun ā€¦ although limiting)
Chrono Trigger (I love this RPG!)
The Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past

Super Mario 64 (It was quite revolutionary at the time)
Super Smash Brothers
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Metroid Prime
Pikmin (So original)
Super Smash Brothers Melee
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Second Quest)
The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
Animal Crossing (I had to play this every day! Hope itā€™ll have a sequal)

Gameboy (Any type):
Shantae (although itā€™s quite hard)
The Leged of Zelda: Linkā€™s Awakening (I havenā€™t played the other two)

Chrono Cross
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VIII

Descent I (My brother and I use to go to a friends house and play this all the time)
Descent II (I like the added powerups and enimy ai)

Donkey Kong
Ms. PacMan (I like it more than PacMan)

Chess (I was in the chess team for a year)

Games I wish I had:
Skies of Arcadia
Beyond Good and Evil (Canā€™t wait for it to come out!)
More of the Final Fantasy games (only have FF7)
Day of the Tenticle

ā€¦ I gotta stop, or this post will be much too long!

About mech2, I got the titanium trilogy. I never got the installer to work under my version of windows 2000, it had to do with some code that ms apparently removed from windows. Old api calls I think.

Windows XP does have an entry in the application compatiblity toolkit database for the titanium trilogy games. You may want to check ebay to find these editions.

Iā€™m getting XP later this week, Iā€™ll PM you if I get it working.

Descent I (My brother and I use to go to a friends house and play this all the time)
Descent II (I like the added powerups and enimy ai)


Another one of my favs!!!

BTW, for FF7 fansā€¦


imho FF7 is the best, no doubt

Even though coolness is a factor, the ability to keep me entertained indefinitely is the main thing when it comes to my favorite game, and two take the cake:

Phantasy Star Online Episode I&II (GCN)
Animal Crossing (GCN)


Simply the best RPG Iā€™ve played. 10$ in a bargain bin.



1: FF7 (there can be no other)
2: Super Mario World (The one for SNES, woo)
3: Zelda Windwaker

But really ive never been much of a console fan.


1: System Shock 2, play it in a dark room with headphones or a surround setup. I dare you.
2: Freespace 2, The only game that i sat at my computer for a day straight playing until i beat it.
3: Diablo 2, i bought it the day it came out, and it still doesnt get old.

And just for fun the worst game ive ever played: Either Dai Katana for systematically violating every law of game design and seeming to intentionally make the most un-fun game ever. Or perhaps Fade to Black, which had the worlds worst control setup that couldnt be changed.

Hmmā€¦ I enjoyed FFIX more than VII, but thatā€™s just because I like old-fashioned stuff. I think FFVII is better in terms of story & extra features.

Thanks you guys now I can make a poll