What when wrong?

I’m tried this tutorial to make a walk cycle but how do i make it repeat the walk?

You haven’t told us what you’ve done, or haven’t as the case may be. Best is to load the blend so someone can look at it.


sorry I took so long. I tried to upload the file but couldn’t at first. Here it is…
Thanks Guys!

While the “Stride” feature will apparently be supported for at least 2.43, the “new” Offset bone / Deformers are vastly superior, and much easier to use.

Take a look at this thread :

There is a nice example file in there of a character walking down a set of stairs, showing the versatility of the deformers feature.


Are there any tutorials on how to build it from scrap for better understanding on how to setting up this walk cycle?


Some changes I made:

The Loc Y IPO on the Hip bone must be set to Cyclic (I set Loc X and Y cyclic too)
The Loc Y IPO on the Stride Root must be set Linear over 100 frames (Your Path and F10 Anim framelengths are 100)
In the NLA window the Action must be set to an NLA Strip: click the little icon left of “Armature”.
In the N-Tab in the NLA window the name of the “Stride Bone” is not “Walk” but “Stride Root”.

The rest you should be able to work out from Gimble’s tut.


Thanks! I think I understand it…

Can the envelope be adjusted? also with fall-off?