What would be a cool feature?

I humbly request animated vertex painting. Anyone else want something?

well besides the obvious simulations(cloth,hair)
i would like to see focal blur where instead of using camera settings it has a visual like you could control the focal depth using a box and the poinst where it starts to blur out using another box
[]< || :stuck_out_tongue: || :smiley:
:stuck_out_tongue: being in focus and :smiley: being out of focus if you understand that

Umm, CubeFan9xx how would you implement animated vertex painting?

would you use relative vertex keys that affected color too
or only color

or some bizzarre method that I have yet to fully comprehend.

------------- WHY do I ask? -------------
Feature requests need to be understandable so that there is a chance they are implemented. That was the point of the functionality board, to allow dicsussions on how new features would work: I.E. What they did, how it would be used, and some basics behind the scenes.

I speculated about animated vertex colors on the last two, what do you think? How would you work with animated vertex colors?

ahh forget it :Z

Animated vertex painting would be very easy to do with a simple script.


if you want features make them yourself.

or post some of your ideas to the FuncBoard.

oh, no… please not cubefan on the funboard… :wink:

hmm, yes, you always have ideas, why not?


ill stay away - one board a day is enough

multiple undo feature would be nice:)

most wanted feature for blender: wings import
most wanted feature for wings: blender export

okay, the only thing blender needs aside from a new rendering system is a… a… a…

PHYSICS ENGINE! MWA HA HA HA HA ! Code one… NOW! It’ll only take a few… YEARS! BWA GA GA HA HA HA!!!

MWa… ha… h… ahem…

Anyhoo, having ipo’s to control paritlces would be really nice… why cant we do that… also, having a mesh withparticles being able t be controlled and deformed by an armature… if you implimented animatable ipo’s for particles and deformable particle meshes, youcould do realistic hair… or fire creatures… mmm, hairy fire creatures

transparent faces. I’d like to have transparent glass in viewports, gives so much more depth.

gaytracing - Raytracing with random firemen

(aaah the good ol seamuncle days)

what would be awesome is volumetric particule :smiley: to create some awesome explosion/fire (like in Afterburn)

it would be soo grreat

it would be great to have a ignore list on elysiun… for CubeFan threads…

agrees :slight_smile: