Hey, I need some suggetions for my site and the Blender Integration Effort. I need to know what it is exactly you all would like to have.
This is what I know I’m going to set up:
info, forums, downloads (scripts, plugins, textures, etc…), tutorials and docs, gallery, …maybe a few I’m forgetting.
Some things I’m think of implementing are:
personal pages, @iptic e-mail for blender users, competition set-up between personal pages, area specifically for CG in video…
I could really use some more suggestions, the personals are doable now, stephen2002 is already set up there. Some issues I’m currently working on are a web based e-mail interface, web based control panel for mail and web pages, and a system through a control panel that you can log in and setup your statistics and reporting, and also have them generated in a language of your choice.
I’m going to start implementing the main things tonight, but I need to know what else is in demand before I spend many hours working on it. The infrastructure of software is basically there, I just need to work on the interfaces and security (which usually takes the longest and most trial-and-error). The nice thing about this, is I’m going to customize it for a graphics and animation type setup. The personal spaces would probably be around 50Mb each, with no file size limitations (I can moderate the bandwidth used, so it shouldn’t go sky high, but plenty fast enough). I also might consider looking into a public animation display system for larger animations, since geocities and such seem to be a pain to deal with.
The way it would work is, the whole setup would be free to those actively involved in the Blender community (blenderheads). ie: those I’ve seen in forums actively participating, anyone who has contributed tutorials or documentation, really anyone who is active and interested in perserving a future for Blender. Why is it free ? I don’t know, many reason I guess. I’m learning as I do all this, so the experience and knowledge is worth the bandwidth and rackspace, it’s just currently sitting there doing nothing much, I have a few small commercial sites that help pay some of the bill.
Just leave a reply, vote in the poll, or send me an IM with ideas and suggestions. Thanks for the help.
Adam Casto (acasto)