hey guys, newb to modeling here, i’ve been trying to model a brazuca ball but fail to get the correct look. i’ve seen some tutorials in youtube
but i find the pattern look like cross and fat, instead of the poles being not aligned, they also don’t look curvy like this one.
also how to model this fast way instead of manually making the pattern and doing merging them like averaging their vertices.
February 6, 2024, 12:37pm
Well… this is a perfect opportunity to learn something from another app… and transform into into blender and so learn somethign more in blender…
…mainly using the array modifer controlled by a rotated empty… for the rexctangular base and then “in space”; applying it and copy a part and rotate… subdividing… and for the “lines” defining a vertex group simply selecting less (becaise of the subdiv… this got more) and scaling inwards…
the hardest thig is to get the initial line “right”…
February 6, 2024, 1:50pm
It has everything you need in the video.
You can use the Cast Modifier or Mesh ▸ Transform ▸ To Sphere to make the box a sphere.
February 6, 2024, 3:54pm
Just a bit of searching and combining with @oo_1942 's solution…
Image Link to Pattern
Lay out details in Cubic form… HERE
Note it might be easier if you Build a cube with an Image Plane with the negative areas cut out, make 6 copies, form a cube, and then Cast to Sphere…
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