What's causing this circel in my texture

Im doing a simple character. A bear with some shorts on. Im trying to apply an material to the short, but im getting a weird circular shape when Im doing this. Its supposed to be square tiles…but somehow…a circle appears as an extra grout between the tiles

The shorts have these modifiers on them
top: mirror
middle: subsurf
bottom: solidifier

I have tried applying the mirror modifier, but nothing changes.

Can somebody tell me what might cause this?

Without the .blend file, I can’t say for sure, but I’d check the texture blending if you’re using a generated texture coordinate. If not, I’ve got nothing.

Thank you for your reply

Here’s the blend file, id be great if you could take a look


As far as I can tell it’s because the material uses object mapping instead of UV maping. So I would recommend unwrapping the mesh.

Im not sure if I know what you mean by that…
I did uv-unwrap the mesh if that is what you mean?

Hopefully this demo is good enough, but yes, using the object coordinates with box projection mapping and blending enabled will cause the textures to overlap in this way.


thank you so much for you answer… the video is a bit blurry, and im still not sure how to fix this is my own node setup… can you tell me what i need to change?

I’ll see what I can do when I get home. I checked the UVs and they might need to be altered to minimize the seams. Aside from that, just setting the images textures to use UV coordinates instead of Object should do the trick. Just remember to set the projection back to Flat, otherwise you will get weird stretching.

Thatd be great, thank you

And do you mean the image texture just the colored one…or also the height/displacement map one?

And when you see… set to UV instead of object… Do you mean… connecting the UV output from the texture coordinate node… to the UV input of the scale.004 node? Or directly to the image texture nodes?

All the image textures in that group.

I tried to edit it myself, but I am no expert at UV mapping, so I couldn’t get a good unwrap. But, I’m sure you could do much better than me