What's the best approach to making this?

I’m trying to do a Gameboy, and I’m not sure how to do the top. Here’s a picture of my progress so far:

As you can see, I’ve done the area around the screen (the screen itself is on a seperate layer) and I’ve started to extend the surface beyond that. My problem is, I’m not sure how to make it around the holes for the buttons. I’ve already added vertices for the edges of the holes, but I don’t know what would be the best approach to connect those vertices to the ones around the edge, or to connect the vertices on the right side of the D-Pad hole and the left sides of the A and B buttons. Should I just connect them to the corners with a massive number of tris (as with the area around the screen), or is there a better way to do it? Did I do the part I’ve already done wrong?

I really don’t know what to do next and I’m very frusterated.

With regard to the screen corners. You could change the tris to quads by adding more verts on the horizontal & vertical edges of the outside of the screen mesh.

I’d remove the faces you’ve added, then subdivide the hori/vert edges so you have an equal number of verticies on the outside edge as the inside.

If you create it using beauty fill/ auto fill, it will create tris. You can then convert these to quads. (Sorry can’t remeber the hotkey, but it’s in the spacebar>edit>faces menu)

Personally I would create the case and then remove the holes for the buttons & the D pad. I just find it easier to keep a clean quad mesh this way.

If you want I’ll knock something up so you can see.


With regard to the screen corners. You could change the tris to quads by adding more verts on the horizontal & vertical edges of the outside of the screen mesh.

Gah! I hate adding more vertices. It gets so complicated.

Also, if I do that for outer edges, when I bevel the edges, it adds a whole bunch of extra faces at every single vertex along the edge, which is really annoying. It also sometimes seems to deform the shape.

Personally I would create the case and then remove the holes for the buttons & the D pad.

With the knife? I still haven’t really tried the knife, I need to.

I wouldn’t have used bevel using the method I suggested. I find I can extrude with more control than using bevel.

Yes I’d use the knife tool, either with ‘exact’ or with the 2nd option in the knife menu. (Sorry I don’t have Blender on this comp to reference this & my memory isn’t all that.)

I’m not dissing your methods, there are the same as many artist’s on here, but I tend to model slightly differently to the norm. (Somewhat backwards in some areas. :wink: )


Well, the exact method exactly replicates my shaky inaccurate hand movements… do I move the vertices around after cutting them out or something?

I’m not 100% sure what you meant mate. :-? Can you elaborate a bit please. (Sorry I’m knackered & still at work. My brain’s not funktioning properly.)


Never mind, I should just look up a tutorial on the knife.

we all know whose fault that is :stuck_out_tongue:

we all know whose fault that is :P[/quote]

pmsl…<exhales>… :wink:

I would definately use quads, not the triangles. As for the “3D” details that are small, I’d use a BumpMap for that.