I just want to know the best way to make old school looking levels for my game in Blender3d; something similar to DOOM and Half-Life 1. The best Youtube video I saw on this topic was made by TheSicklyWizard and it’s entitled " How to make PS1-Esque graphics with Blender 2.9 (Trimsheets and Enviroment Modeling)"; I’ll link the video here:
What I liked about the video was how optimal the solutions in the video were. However, the technique breaks down when trying to make levels with enterable buildings that aren’t blocky. I also don’t know the best workflow for replacing the block outs/placeholders in my game level for the art of my own. Optimization is what I care about the most( small memory size and quicker loading time for the game I’m working on). So does anyone have any workflow advice that will help me?