ok first off, what’s the game engine??? I’ve been wondering for quite some time. And also what can it do?
The game engine renders scenes and physics in real time. The game engine can make Computer games…I guess it’s hard for me to explain such a simple, and obvious question…
You seem to be struggling with the very basics of Blender. Here’s a downloadable beginner’s reference that I thought was indispensable:
It goes through modeling, lighting, texturing and animating a simple project, and even includes an introduction to the game engine.
The wiki has information specific to the game engine here.
I think I’ll stay out of it kind of, until I get REALLY good at blender
That’s not really nessesary. It’s really pretty simple, and the community is here to support you. I’m currently writing several tutorials that should really help people with this problem.
You don’t have to get “REALLY” good at blender, but you should learn the basics of modelling and texturing before you start off with the BGE.
You have to be able to make your objects and environments before you can make events for them. Yea, I know, that goes without saying, but still I thought it should be mentioned.
Also, as Dim said, when you are ready, the community is here for you.
ok. Hey dim, let me know when you have the tutorial done will ya?
Won’t be some months, it’s a really long term project, but for now search the wikipedia for ‘Noob to pro’ that should get you started. Blendenzo.com also has some great stuff.
ok thanks!
Yea noob to pro works wonders! I used it and it’s amazing!
I have too. I have learned alot of basic stuff from it, but I don’t seem to have any interest in the game engine tutorials. I guess I’m going to have to start with something though.
Basically you add textures to your models with uv mapping.
You add physics like rigid body and weight.
You can use a simple set of buttons (logic bricks) generally in combinations of three,
so it is not necessary to have to many of them for basic stuff ,keeping it simple.
You can use the logic bricks to control your camera with the keyboard or mouse.
First brick you choose Keyboard keys or mouse then add and link to second brick.
The second brick is generally the expression (and do this or do this).
Add the third brick and link back to the second brick.
The Third brick and last brick you choose what action happens.
Example: When you use the mouse or key the camera will move in a direction and or rotation
you designate and so on.
At that point when you hit the P key for PLAY you will have a game like realtime environment.
You will be able to use the keys or mouse you set up with logic bricks and the objects that you textured with textures
and the physics you added.
You can now export the game to a .exe extension to be played without blender.
You select file then save runtime (do not choose dynamic runtime) and save the exe
where ever you want.
In the folder where you saved the exe file you will have to have some
of the files that are located in your root directory of your blender installation.
Examples: SDL.dll zlib.dll pthreadVC2.dll . It depends on the version of blender you are using,
and what contet you have in your game exe file.
When ever you run the exe it will tell you what files are missing and you can just copy them one by one untill it runs
Thats it in a nut shell.
This is what helped me in the Game engine a ton
Making a Maze Game with 2 Levels.
thanks guys. I’ll try both of your things
hey! they worked! (not that I didn’t expect them to.) Thanks guys!
but there’s a slight problem (on the maze thing), whenever I touch the wall the camera starts spinning wildly. Do any of you know how to fix it?
never mind. I’ve been told what’s wrong.
Hi Dim…
I’m new in this forum… and I’m starting to use blender now. … u were writing some tutorials, and I’d like to know if it’s done! cause I’m really interested!! Thanks!
They won’t be ready until maybe may or june, if even then. When I said a long term project, I meant it. I could release them in sections as I go along though…