(Other than Blender) what’s the greatest/best/most awsome invention ever? And I expect a lot of people to think immediately of engineered or mechanical stuff, but let’s think outside that little box.
(Other than Blender) what’s the greatest/best/most awsome invention ever? And I expect a lot of people to think immediately of engineered or mechanical stuff, but let’s think outside that little box.
It’s a coin toss decision between spice racks and sliced bread.
hmm. i think the computer.
oh that wasnt asked. then i agree with theeth. sliced bread and spice racks.
blue jeans
why wiskey.
i have a better invention than sliced bread: the universe.
oh we didnt invent that. sorry.
The Vacuum Tube.
The way of depicting chemical compounds
Which one?
Sliced cheese.
butter cutting wire
I mean, heck, if any of the geeks here (not you of course) get outside, you will discover its quite important.
Hands! You can do amazing stuff with them…
The ‘ignore’ button.
Atom Bombs.
porn, booze
But without hands, how would you drink this booze?
um, jeeves you really can’t count our human hands as an invention, since they were in no way invented by humans.
Quite a tasteless joke, my friend. And well, if it’s not a joke then scratch that whole friend part.
I choose refrigeration. Spoiled foods are the bane of my existance. Plus I love a cold beer.