Can this top up Blender or is this just something else?
Can this top up Blender or is this just something else?
Looks like a render engine. It has plug ins to work with Maya and 3dsMax, but they are going to publish the API so someone could write an exporter for Blender. Needs an NVidia card, so they are giving it away to encourage people to buy NVidia hardware. They also offer a Pro version which costs $1500.
It’s Gelato, discussed around here some times before. Is it open source? The basic version is free to use, but not open source, IIRC.
Gelato is a 3d rendering engine that is somewhat free or for a fee…
There is a export script somewhere to use Gelato with Blender.
There is also Yafray, Kerkethea & Indigo for free Renderer’s compatible with Blender & more closely tied with Blenders Community. (Better Support)
They could even give away Blender to encourage people to buy a nvidia card… worked for me.
Very true! They could give away special nVidia-optimized Blender builds :D.
Now Tynach there’s a good idea . . . lol
LOL As if the normal ones aren’t geared towards nVidia enough anyway.