What's YOUR Zombie escape plan?

I always have a sword handy when I’m home, so I’m good for melee weapons. I’d probably throw on as many layers as possible, get into my car and high-tail it to the nearest hunting store, take an assload of weapons and munitions, load up the car with “camping supplies” and then hit the largest, tallest building I could find and create a new home there on the roof with ever single door between me and the ground barricaded. From there I’d hatch my genius plan to connect the roofs of the buildings together in a way that the slow, clumsy, dumb zombies wouldn’t be able to cross and live the rest of my life battling the undead for survival.

Maybe check out some of the newer, nigh-impossible to tear synthetic fabrics they’ve developed. And chainmail.

I would put up my imitation of Rick Astley.

can we use Griff’s body as a decoy or meat shield? because all my plans hinge on that (RVB reference for those who know!)

I have a heavy metal music stand, very handy for zombie-whacking. My second best bet would be to attach a dead hard drive to the end of a string of red LED lights and swing that around.

I do have these items on hand, you know.

Oh, and I forgot to mention the jar filled with pennies. I’ll bribe 'em.

lol, I love RVB.

Just to warn you guys, don’t let the zombies distract you with their poetry.

Well, if the zombies broke down my front door right now, I would have had about 5 minutes warning because it’s a real big door, so by now I would have put on my jumper which I just took off, run up stairs and into my room, pack my rucksack (which is a really good one with a mountain climbing frame) put on a jacket and pants run down the stairs and say LOL to the zombies who are still trying to take down my door, go into my garage and fetch some equipment like rope, matches, metho, a sickle and various other useful things in this situation and 2 spare batteries for my phone.

Now that I’m all packed I would run out my back door of my garage and jump my back fence which leads to bush land. I would trek through the bush land because zombies have ‘life-form sensors’ and can sense where humans are, so they are going to go where the most people are, which is where I am not.

I can give this 2 weeks of walking and I can hit a low populated town on the south east coast of Australia, by this time the town should be wiped out and a few straggling zombies should be left for me to lol at as a walk past them and slice them open with a sickle. I would then find a car (preferably a big tough 4wd that can mow down some zombies and go off road if I need to) that can drive me about 5,000 km (about 3000 miles for all you imperial noob out there >< ), I would then find some containers and fill it with fuel and find some more supplies like food and water.

So, where would I drive to thats 5,000km away, uluru (see attachment), the largest rock on earth. I drive there because if humans can hardly live there what chance does a zombie have living there.

This plan is genius.


what about marvel zombies? that would suck…

1: cut off left hand
2: attach chainsaw
4: “groovy”

Oh come on! Your no fun! :eyebrowlift:
Fine then I’ll hunt down Britney Spears and make her sing for them! Lol.

Or…If that doesn’t work…I’ll use my dad’s samurai swords, and numerous pocket knives to hack them up and chop of their heads.

12 guage shotgun loaded with 9 rounds of 00 garlic coated buckshot (just in case of vampire zombies). Just remember to aim for the head or pink pieces. Heck, you could just take them apart piece by piece just for fun or to earn bonus points.

if you can’t beat em, join em (I’d rather be on the winning side).

I think I’ll strap one or more chainsaws to my extremities, before injecting myself with some zombie blood. Chainsaw zombie ftw :evilgrin:

edit (oh, and some bullet proof armor + helmet, for those pesky shotguns…)

Use this baby:


Die MA7H4FUK42 !!!

Crowbars, although unless you are either fighting headcrab zombies or are Gordon Freeman, it won’t work to well

I would head to my family’s sailboat with my GF. We would fish for food and avoid land. Occasionally we would raid the coast for supplies.

You could of course try this lot => http://www.phillyburbs.com/zombies/zombiesdo.shtml :evilgrin:
…or if your a geek, this => http://science.howstuffworks.com/zombie1.htm :yes:
…and if your living in the UK, play Party Political Broadcasts:eek: to them, after listening to them they will then proceed to their nearest Voting station, where they will all vote Labour, and then proceed to immolate themselves… Job done. :evilgrin:

I think I still have a big old aluminium baseball bat somewhere… Sadly my car is too flimsy to run em over… But I’m dutch… so if I can get my bicycle down the stairs they’ll never catch me!

I’d do nothing because you can’t win. Hiding is not an option and all other plans would require massive funds which I don’t have. You could rob a weapon store or ammo depot but there will always be more zombies then you have bullets. Besides, raiding weapon stores and military bases is the first thing everybody does so chances are there won’t be anything left for you by the time you get there.

If zombies wouldn’t have this ‘natural sense of life’ I’d hide out somewhere in dense woods. The concentration of zombies there should be so low that you could stay safe with nothing more but melee weapons like axes, sledgehammers and spades.

call gordon freemen and MasterChief to take out the zombies and will smith to give me some shelter and Mustangs.
edit : dont forget to wear some NANO SUITS .

I live on top of a hill with 86 steps between the gate and my front dooor which has traili door bars as well. The gate is steel. I’d say about 7-10 minutes for them to break it down.
In that time, I’d grab my sweet hiking boots and backup. Pack some clean underwear:)
Raid the kitchen including mah ma’s chef’s knives. Grab daddy’s keys, and head outside to the garden shed. There is a nice pike thingie in it which Im able to lift actually. Strap that to my back and then wait for the zombies to break down the gate. They would HAVE to take the stairs because our garden is wild and at really steep angle. We’ve got a nice lift that heads down to the gate. While they storm up the stairs, I’ll be going down on the cables, break into the garage, grab the 4X4 Toyota, some ropes, yadaya, driver over to Table Moutain, get to the top, form a pack with my fellow humans and throw rocks at anyone that dares disturb our new paradise:)http://www.helenandgeoff.com/cape-town-table-mountain-2-large.jpg

I’d notch up my electric guitar to max volume, then play like my cat: thus killing them all by severe brain trauma!

Ohh! This is a fun thread!

I am with my laptop in the basement right now. I have a shortcut through my house up to my garage, where I’d get a chainsaw and an army vest (for airsoft) to carry my stuff like bandages and other medical supplies. I’d try to make my way to the closest military base (couple miles away) and bard myself off while making an “I Am Legend”-style call. For those of you who don’t know what that is, The main character would broadcast on his radio every day at noon to meet him at his location. After that I’d just listen. The base would probably have packaged food and water and GUNNNNNSSS!!!