When a Chihuahua looks into a Mirror

You’re welcome. One more thing about AO. Is it set to multiply? Setting it to add will add extra light to the scene.

This is sorta a sequel shot - What Great Danes Think of Chihuahuas. I debated whether on not it should be a separate thread, or part of this one. Enjoy

Great scene, I think the lighting can be improved though. Either the AO is too strong, or shadows are not turned on for the lamp/s

Thanks Modron,

I used point lights with shadows turned on. So, looking at my Ambient Occlusion settings - the factor is still set to the default of 1.00. <---- Is this the setting you think I should lower, if so what would you recommend?

Farther down in my world settings, I noticed that under the “Gather” section, the approximate setting was enabled and the passes was set to 1.
Not knowing what I was doing, I changed that setting from 1 to 0. I also changed the strength of one of the three point lamps to 1.5.
After making those lighting changes and tweaking my models slightly, this is what I got

it looks better, imo. 1 is a little strong for AO, depending. I almost always turn it down to between .5 and .7.

I dropped it down to 0.5 in this pass