When i render it rendering the old animation's first few seconds and blank grey


Do you have anything in the sequencer? If you have, it would override the main render.

where to check that ? this is the scene i wanna render

but it shows my old view port render , after it show few sec it will become blank grey

You can find it by changing one of the windows to it.


But if you don’t know about it, you likely didn’t use it (unless you are working in someone else’s scene).

I see you have 2 cameras on your timeline. Does it fail at that point? Does the second camera have a correct view angle?

thanks bro <3 problem is solved but my render looks so low quality with grains
and idk how to add good lighting to it

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In that case, could I see your render settings (especially the sampling settings)? It’s probably just a matter of adjusting them to solve the grain.

For the lighting, is your sky actually gray like in that screenshot, or is this image just rendered with transparent background? If it’s gray, that would be something to improve. You want to render an outdoor scene that looks good, you need to have a sky that’s the right color, because it will affect the lighting. Even better if you can have a realistic sky with color variations and clouds, such as an HDRI background, because this will add subtle color and intensity variations in the lighting, which will look nice.

If this is a sunny, daylight scene, you will also want to increase the sun’s intensity quite a bit. Sunlight is always brighter than you think.

i added hdri and the lighting is okay now but the quality is very bad here is the rendering settings

btw i rendered em in cycles i cant get evee when i try to render on i cant able to see lighting on the objects here on the spiderman

u can see the low quality of the video after rendering

and here in this scene the lighting is so bad on the miles lol idk why

here the lighting is okay but when i bind the camera into another angle the lighting is bad :frowning:

This doesn’t look like a problem with rendering quality, but rather with video compression.

The most common and standard video format to output a final product would be MP4 - H264. This should give you good compression, good file size and is the most compatible format for posting on the internet.

From your images, do I understand that the bad lighting is only on the character? If yes, it must be related to the material. Try exchanging the material with an other, if that makes it look good, you will know it’s caused by the material settings. Then we can look at them and figure out where the problem is.

An other thing, this is not directly related, but if you are using an HDRI with a sun in Eevee, you can go to the world settings and activate sun shadow.

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