When making an MMORPG, best free software

I don’t know Blender isn’t what I’m looking for, i’m looking for something that will let me create 3d RPG/MMORPG I have tried out Unity aswell and I’m not sure about that either, please give me some other free 3D game engine software!

you can with unity… check here

The problem you have, isn’t the software but the user.

Software isn’t capable, only users of said software are capable; software merely provides a list of features and tools.

Unity 3D has the tools to allow you to create an MMO; it has been used for that purpose already.

Start small - so you actually learn how to use the software you decide to use.

Can you make a pacman, space invaders, (etc) clone? If not then how the hell do you expect to make an MMO?

If yes, well continue to build your skills. Turn your idea into a single user RPG perhaps - again maybe don’t take on such a complicated project yet.

Just use Ogre, you can make anything with it and its Open Source and free.
The problem is that you have to know how to program, and put your own sound, physics and network libraries, Ogre its just a graphics engine, Im learning it now.

There is no one-click-make-a-game software so forget that dream and learn programming, that is the ONLY way to make a game.

And learn it well! MMORPG are the elite of the elite of game making. They are as hard as normal games(that is not easy), but they have additional difficulties (hard networking, super efficient server program, cheating handling(no, this is not a small part of designing a mmorpg), etc…)

If you’re on here asking what software to use for “making an MMORPG”, you should NOT be trying to make an MMORPG. That’s like asking what kind of hammer you should use to make a car.

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Start with “Pong”, buddy.

Multi-player pong…hell yeah!

MMO pong with 8 players per game room, can you imagine that?

8 players per game room is by definition not MMO. MMO stands for “Massive multiplayer online”. That is 1000+ players in one room

Oh, sorry, my bad… 1000+ players playing pong in one room? Thats EPIC

With one ball?.. Can they fight each other for the ball? :smiley:

1000 players, 500 balls. Makes sense to me.

+1 Rocketman.
Nice one!

Not at any time did I say I wanted a click and place MMORPG Software, I have learnt Blender and I will use it some times but I am looking for a Real good Software for free.


“I have learnt Blender…”

Honestly? Really? You have learnt and entire software?


I can say that RobertT would even agree, it is impossible to learn everything, especially in programs like Blender.

But what does Blender matter, you can make the entire game with primitives and Suzannes. As long as you can code the game in a way to make that interesting, that would be the hard part.

As these guys have (quite trollingly) said, try making Pacman or Pong before going for Warcraft or EVE… Nobody ever did anything first whack, did they? You think that the makers of Warcraft just were sitting in their billiards room one day and said: “You know what guys, we should make an MMORPG! That will be great fun, make a few billion lines of code, model thousands of objects and characters, release the game. We will be done by Lunch time! And after that we can cure AIDS, and Cancer. And then we can work on string theory, we will have this whole science cofuffle sorted out by dinner time, then we shall make the best meal ever thought of, rivalling all of the best chefs and cooking geniuses in the world. By 9pm we will have won a world peace prize and fed every starving person in africa!”

Indeed they did not say that. Why? Because it is impossible, that is why. Why is it impossible? Because (refer to above story).

Also, this little video, has been brought up AGAIN!

HTML 5 plus javascript plus blender on a server? First write a two-player online role-playing game, then a miniture multiplayer online role-playing game, then a middling multiplayer online role-playing game, then massively multiplayer online role-playing game, then add fancy graphics, world domination! Whatever size, it must have Pokemon.

Awesome video.