When to model all in 1 mesh or just a couple and when to use

Hi all,

Learning, learning…

When should i model in one mesh and when can i use different meshes and put them say on top of each other???

When you conceptually think of the objects as seperate objects, then you’d make them seperate meshes. If you think of them as the same object make them the same mesh.

As an example - if you had 3 apples rolling around on a table, you’d probably make them seperate objects. If they were say all together in a fruit bowl you’d probably make them, and the bowl, the same mesh - but then again you might not, it’s all a matter of taste.

The only real thing is that if they are going to be animated, then things that move seperately to each other should be seperate objects - it makes the animation a LOT easier.

thank you for your explanation.

I was not sure, but i can imagine that from seperate meshes to one mesh is doable. And the other way around would be a pain in the …

To turn seperate meshes into one select them all in object mode and press Ctrl+J (Join)

To seperate, select the verts to seperate in edit mode and press P.
Useful keys are L - select verts linked to the one under the cursor, Shift+L - deselect same, Ctrl+L - select linked to already selected verts.