I got this idea one day at work. What would happen if you mixed kids with war? Sorta sadistic, but whatever. This is the RCBomb I’ve started on. I’m still working on the final composite in my head, but these guys will be chasing a child thru the park with some other little kid running not to far behind with the controls in his hand and a spegetti strainer on his head lol.
Everything’s been modeled in blender. I got the rubber (tires/wires/antenna), the copper (for the alligator clip and connections to the 9volt) and the leather (strap holding the c4) materials from the blender open material repository. The texture for the circuit board is some random pic taken off the net. Everything else is done by me in blender and in gimp, I’ve left the brand name off the battery just in case lol, but you all recognize it. I’ve still yet to dirty this thing up though.
References were used for the tires as I couldn’t figure out how i wanted them to look. Everthing else comes straight from my head. I’ve even modelled/textured the resitors, capacitors, and transisters lol though I doubt they’ll be visible in the final comp. I guess sometimes your career intersects with your hobby lol. No I’m not some mad bomber!
Looks good! I love the concept for this, can’t wait to see the final animation. But your car is really nice! Only thing that bothers me is the metal material. Doesn’t doesn’t look right. Everything else looks fine to me but I am no expert. Good luck!
Yeah, I’m having issues with it myself but I don’t know what to do to fix it. It’s the reflected world color that is screwing it up, but besides creating a fake sky or some type of hdr image I’m at a loss. I’ll try those out actually as I was just being lazy i guess lol.
Edit- Now at least it fits the image so as not to distract lol. Still gotta figure out a long term solution. Change in color done in gimp.
Thanks for the tip. You’d have thought that I would have tried that since I’ve already done so for two other materials lol. Anything else you guys see that needs improvement or something that you’d would have done differently?
Everything seems fine to me! The render looks a little blurry, don’t know if that is intentional or not, but it is kind of hard to see the little details. Can’t wait to see the cover for this!
Erm, looks like you didn’t change the materials, the render only appears more “greyish”.
The chassis plate still looks like it’s made of cannon steel by the way. This definetely has potential but you better tweak the materials again. I really like the details you did
The material has definitely been changed. That “more greysih” you see is the desired result. It takes teh edge off the worlds reflection, which is the only problem left I see. It really shouldn’t be noticed in the final comp…depending on how I set it up of course. I’ll work abit on the chassis…it sure shouldn’t seem like any form of metal. Its suppose to look like hand molded plastic.
After the chassis tweaking I’ll get to work on the first child.
Sorry I’m a little slow on the updates. Just found out a shadow on one of my sons earlier MRI’s is actually a growing mass…
Here’s my progress on the girl. I’m a bit slow as it’s my first organic creation with blender. What I’m looking for as far as CandC goes is proportional issues. Or other things that just don’t look right. I know her boobs are off, but this is a little girl. I’m gonna smoosh (lol) those in with some scultping (hopefully) I’m actually thinking, if this goes well, it may become my first base mesh for females.
Do you see any potential issues topology wise for rigging her up and getting her into a decent pose? I’ve tried to keep out tris and was successful until I started in on the hands lol.
crackle texture to tires
changed up texture on frame (getting a good plasticy look is kinda difficult lol)
changed leather strap into packaging tape (didn’t make this one…just took a picture of some packaging tape lol…i cheated so what lol)
KK been a minutesince I had time to do any modeling. See two posts up for why and exchange that “growing mass” for “low grade neoplasm” and you’ll underdstand why I haven’t been modeling much. On the 12th of this month we find out if we have to worry now…or later. He’ll be 4 this year in Aug. God willing.
Anyway, enough of the emotional crap…heres the base body mesh with the start of the head. There is still plenty to clean up, but there were no references used and I’m liking where this head is headed…pardon the pun.
Very nice. You should use some of the new particle features for the hair! Sorry to hear about your son. Hope everything is going to be ok. I will be praying for you and him both!
Yeah I’ve been trying out the hair for a while now. Can’t figure out how to change the size of the strands though. Thanks for the prayers, I’ll take all the prayers I can get.