When using collisions particle show/emit light through mesh

I have a some kinda mesh container that funnels my particles through some pipes. I have set the mesh as using collisions, and the particles bounce around within the mesh. The thing is, the particles seem to emit light that shines through the mesh. How can i i stop that??

are the particles halos? because i think those will still penetrate the mesh. maybe you could extrude the funnel to makes it have thickness?

tried ur suggestion but the particles seem to shine through the mesh. ive also tried setting the mesh as ray traced reflections, just to try to internally reflect the light from the particles inside the mesh,b ut that did not seem to work.

Halos are not light. They are sort of little fuzz balls. They will not be reflected in a Ray traced surface. Try selecting Ztransp and leaving alpha at 1.00 in your material settings for the funnel.