When will we get the community art header back?

Hi all,

The transition to a new owner of BlenderArtists has also brought along lots of site changes, which look great!

I only wish we could have our old “community-artwork header” back, which was a nice 900x100 sliver of some of the best work on BlenderArtists. I think this small change will give the site some extra charm, and it can’t hurt to show off the power of blender to newcomers :eyebrowlift:!

Who else thinks the community art header should return?

I’d like to see it return. I miss the gallery and wish it was easier to see the top-notch Blender artwork.

I voted for yes.
the BA admin have been informed about this before though.

Please do not disguise your support requests as polls. As mentioned in numerous threads, this is being worked on.

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