When's 2.43 coming out?

So I’ve seen all the nice models using sculpt mode… my question is when?

We’re holding it up until people stop asking.


LoL :smiley:

guess i should have known better to ask :).


Maybe we should start a rumor that you already have it - “Go ask Theeth for a copy” :smiley:

There’s usually 2 release candidates before the full release. There’s only been one RC so far.

No, there are a few RC2 Releases ready. look here http://download.blender.org/release/Blender2.43rc/

Sorry for my bad English

Woohoo! downloads

ditto woohoo
Hehe, I wanna see who won the splash screen contest(fine, see If I maybe did :wink: )

it still doesnt show who won the splash screen contest when blender starts up…mayb saving it for later…

Just your luck. Ton just PM’ed me… It comes arrgh uuugh PIRATES!!! aaaagh They ughr Wont aaaaa Stop aaaoaoa stabbing ughhh me dead…

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aaah! what is it??? nooooooo!!!wait!!!
…stupid pirates…

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So I’ve seen all the nice models using sculpt mode… my question is when?

You can use sculpt mode now…

not until we’re done updating the wiki user manual. We all know that user documentation is KING, and that software IS NOT TO BE RELEASED until thoroughly documented, with EXAMPLES. Ton calls me daily to see how we’re doing, cause the software has actually been ready for about two weeks now; they cant find any more bugs and it is perfect. So, when we’re done updating the wiki and rewriting all the tutorials, I’m sure it will be made available.

Ok, so you know what? :DI’ve been doing software development for two decades, and just once, I wanted to write that. Cause we all know its a bunch of bull.

Actually, all wiki authors are burning the midnight oil working with the latest RC to update the doco, so you all will have a nice set of guides to use this time around.

Well it’s lookin good mate! :slight_smile:

I just wish I had time now to browse it, 'cause it seems more complete than ever.

Keep up the good work! :slight_smile:

(And use “Newb” not “N00b” :smiley: LOL, j/k ;))

Thanks for the info, Roger. I know you can’t give an exact date, but are we talking days or another week or two?

yeah theeth just sent it to me too, so i have it as well :wink: thanks theeth.


the whole 2.43 or jus the RC2…

Who cares just download the RC2 and have fun with that till the release is ready. Off to play now!

i couldn’t wait either, so i skipped whole 2.43 and went straight on using 2.50 version, which will come out when people stop bashing blender UI.
