Where am I going wrong?

Hi. I am very new to Blender and anything to do with 3D modelling. I have been following a tutorial to make my own dice and I keep having the same issue with my numbers.
I have been been importing the svg file, convert to mesh and then extruding the face of the number. The numbers always have slices out of them or big chunks missing.
Does anyone know how I can fix it/stop it from happening? Is it something in Blender doing this or more likely happening beforehand?

Thanks heaps

Look here. Blender Bob has made a very very good tutorial :smiley:

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If I had to guess, I’d say that the converted mesh has holes in it, and so when you extrude, you’re left with the gaps as a result.

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So if you wanna learn blender, why not using the text abilities of blender and concentrating on the dice modeling ??

Maybe normals became confused on import, while you can try to use shift+n to recalculate normals outside, maybe is not enough to fix, will be easier to make with text tools from blender itself, will be easier than trying to fix the import.

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Thanks for that. Super helpful :slight_smile:

I’m getting there haha

Thanks. I’ll give it a go